American Wire Gauge (AWG): Definition American Wire Gauge - previously known as Brown and Sharp wire gauge is the standard measure of the size of a wire conductor. It is commonly referred to as “Gauge”. You can use AWG to tell how much current a wire can carry.If the gauge of a ...
American Wire GaugeA definition of the term "American Wire Gauge" is presented. It refers to a standard method of denoting wire diameter, especially for nonferrous, electrically conducting wire.American standard wire gaugeCurrent Carrying Capacity...
American wire gauge (AWG) is a standard for the width of electrical wire used predominately in North America. The standard specifies the width of the the diameter of the wire, ranging from 0000 to 40. The diameter decreases as the wire gauges get larger. Advertisements American Wire Gauge is...
AWG(American Wire Gauge)是美制电线标准的简称,AWG 值是导线厚度(以英寸计)的函数。下表将列取 AWG 与公制、英制单位的 与公制、英制单位的对照表。 。 AWG 外径 截面积 (mm2) 电阻值 (/km) AWG 外径 截面积(mm2) 电阻值 (/km) 公制mm 英制 inch 公制mm 英制inch 4/0 11.68 0.46 107.22 ...
American wire gauge 英 [əˈmerɪkən ˈwaɪə(r) ɡeɪdʒ] 美 [əˈmerɪkən ˈwaɪər ɡeɪdʒ]美国线规
American Wire Gauge 添加到生词本 用户正在搜索 négatif,négation,négationnisme,négationniste,négative,négativemen,négativement,négativisme,négativité,négatogène, 相似单词 (h)yponomeute,(s)chelem,“分灶吃饭”, 用户正在搜索 négligemment,négligence,négligent,négliger,négo,négoce,négociabi...
American Wire Gauge (AWG) 是一种美国电线标准的简称,它用于表示导线直径,线号越大,导体的横截面积越小。单线导体的直径决定了其线号,而绞线则根据横截面积来决定。CANARE公司使用的导体线号参照以下表格:4/0线径对应外径11.68mm,横截面积0.46mm²,电阻值约为54.3Ω/km。这个系统中...
American wire gauge (AWG), also known as the Brown & Sharpe wire gauge, is a standardized wire gauge system used since 1857 predominantly in North America for the diameters of round, solid, nonferrous, electrically conducting wire. The cross-sectional area of each gauge is an important factor...
AWG_American Wire Gauge_是美制电线标准