Armed Forces of World War II, ranked by the most kills. These numbers are for those planes flown by American pilots. 1. North American P-51 Mustang A pair of P-51 Mustangs (Image source: Wikimedia Common) The US used a lot of fighter planes in WW2, but nothing was as famous and...
World War II was the catalyst that changed the opportunities available to women and eventually the way they were regarded as a viable workforce. Suddenly women throughout the United States were pushing themselves to their limits to support the war effort. Women were fulfilling jobs and responsibilit...
Man Planes Inc, Manitowoc WI. MP-1 1940 = 1pOM; Johnson 16. [29100]. Manta Manta Aircraft Corp (John P & David R Davis), 540 N LaBrea Ave, Los Angeles CA. 1940 = 1pCmwM rg flying-wing design project for a military fighter with 1200hp unspecified motor. David R Davis. Thick-roo...
1941. It was the morning, when around 400 planes of Japan started bombing the Pearl Harbor. The Japanese Pilots were elite as they were in continuous war for around 4 years. All the ships and aircraft career present at that time were destroyed. This was a big blow...
Guest speaker Sam Mihara was imprisoned in the Heart Mountain Wyoming Japanese American internment camps during WW2. His educational presentation gives a historical perspective to immigration and imprisonment.
Categories:American Warriors,World War II,World War II in the Pacific,Writing Notes,WW2,WWII|Tags:#marines,#Pacific War,#PTO,#usmc,#wwii,World War II|Leave a comment Notes on Tom Lynch Tom Lynch is one of the great unsung and often forgotten aces of the Pacific War. Brilliant, quiet, ...
1910 = Another former auto racer, like Robert Fowler and Fred Wiseman (qv), who briefly took on the challenge of flight, Caswell is said to have constructed several "Blériot, Curtiss, and Farman type of planes" while he operated Sunset School of Aviation. Also like Wiseman, he gave it ...
(1945) - Yo 27:34 HOW TO DESTROY GERMAN TANKS WWII WAR DEP 14:43 HOW IT WORKS_ WW2 Tank Factories - YouTu 20:02 HOW IT WORKS_ WW2 B-29 Super-Fortress - 1:11:06 HOW IT WORKS_ WW2 Aircraft Defense - You 12:19 HOW IT WORKS_ Boeing B-47 Stratojet - Yo 35:51 Great Planes -...
Categories:World War II in the Pacific,Writing Notes,WW2,WWII|Tags:#Pacific War,#PTO,#wwii,World War II|1 Comment The Brewster Crotchkick Imagine coming homing from 53 days of continuous combat to be told you’re going to be one of the first to fly the Navy’s latest and greatest bomb...
There was an art to finding hidden positions in aerial photographs, or for human agents to locate positions on the ground. About the only tool for locating artillery the allies had on D Day were aerial observers, artillery officers flying planes. The Senior British Artillery Officer in the Seco...