American Civil War, four-year war (1861–65) fought between the United States and 11 Southern states that seceded to form the Confederate States of America. It arose out of disputes over slavery and states’ rights. When antislavery candidate Abraham Lin
Revolutionary War 1779 History Photo Bomb Fort Moore at Valley Forge, looking toward British occupation of Philadelphia. Battle of Monmouth, New Jersey, by Emanuel Luetze, prior to 1854, courtesy Wikipedia Commons and Painting of the Battle of Ushant, Anglo-French War, by ...
Cause of the Civil War By:Joe Ryan Featured.Indexes Summary Of Events Civil War Timeline State Battle Maps Battles By Campaign Naval Ships and Battles Alphabetic Battle List Colored Troops Women in the War Civil War Music History Battle Statistics ...
American Civil War - Naval Battles, Blockades, Ironclads: In addition to their increasing use of steam power, the screw propeller, shell guns, and rifled ordnance, both sides built and employed ironclad warships. Besides fighting efficaciously with ironc
Cause of the Civil War By:Joe Ryan Featured.Indexes Summary Of Events Civil War Timeline State Battle Maps Battles By Campaign Naval Ships and Battles Alphabetic Battle List Colored Troops Women in the War Civil War Music History Battle Statistics ...
1763/8/5British forces defeat an Indian ambush at the Battle of Bushy Run, a major turning point in Pontiac’s War. 1763/10/7Royal Proclamation of 1763 sets the boundaries of Britain’s new possessions and bars the colonies from western expansion. Washington and other colonists are infuriated...
Build context for understanding the Mexican-American War by examining the order in which events developed. Each chapter features a timeline of events, covering essential information to the build up as well as the aftermath of the...Alison BehnkeLerner Classroom...
Development timeline Limited war--Eastern theater 1861年4月至1862年9月是“有限战争”阶段。双方都集中兵力于东战场为争夺对方首都而展开激战。南方军队统帅是杰出军事家罗伯特·李,他根据双方力量悬殊的状况,制定了以攻为守的战略,集中兵力寻歼北军主力,迫使北方签订城下之盟。而北方对战争准备不足,又采取了所谓的...
A complete interactive timeline of American History since Christopher Columbus set foot on the American continent. With photographs, videos, audios and articles, this app takes you right through the birth of America, the revolutionary war, the dark days of the Civil War, the two World Wars, th...
A History of New York The Sketch Book The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Bracebridge Hall Talks of Travellers The Alhambra 5、James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851) The Spy The Pilot The Littlepage Manuscripts Leatherstocking Tales The Pioneer The Last of Mohicans ...