My daughter finds friends easily at the start of her freshman year. Dorms are pretty good so far. As a parent, her safety and happiness are the priority. I think AU offers a great college experience. Yes, I would recommend this school to a friend Was this review helpful to you? 431 ...
Freshman Housing Guarantee College offers housing to students Sororities Not reported Fraternities Not reported StudentsSee More Ethnicity of Students from U.S. American Indian/Alaskan Native 0.2% Asian 0.2% Black/African-American 47.2% Hispanic/Latino 0.2% Multi-race (not Hispanic/Latino) 3.1% White...
PwC Charitable Foundation knows that receiving a scholarship can help transform a student’s education experience, which is why they’ve established theDream Corps TECH Scholarship Fund. This scholarship money doesn’t go to your college or university directly, but it should be used to fund tuition...
Following Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory, this study seeks to develop a profile of resilience in 79 African American college students attending a Historically Black College/University (HBCU) who have a history of adverse childhood events and trauma; yet demonstrate high academic performance ...
“Many of us were told to go home, back to our own country—even though we called America our home, had planted roots, grown dreams, built families and communities. So, many of us chose to fight the U.S. government to not racially profile and to remind us that America i...
Year:Freshman Major:Civil Engineering Hobbies:hiking, tennis, reading and biking Next year Sima will be one of A/PACC’scultural program/education coordinatorsso make sure you say hi when you see her around! Next week, check out A/PACC’swebsiteto meet the rest of our new staff!
In fact, in late 2002, my first semester of freshman year, during a student seminar on the impending invasion of Iraq, I made a statement that I would support the war effort if Saddam Hussein were to launch a scud missile barrage against Israel, just as he did during the first Gulf ...
At Columbia University's freshman orientation, Coleman Hughes and his classmates were separated into groups by skin color to discuss the effects of racism, with minorities portrayed as victims and white students as beneficiaries. Why have exercises like this become commonplace in elite institutions? Ho...
There’s been a lot said about David Lynch this week and I don’t know much more I can add to the discourse other than to say, the man rewired your brains. I remember scrambling to watchTwin Peaksmy freshman year in college, where I didn’t even own a TV, having to borrow a tiny...
His uniform included the name Tuggle-Dye this week. He said he wanted to do it this week to honor his mother. His first name is Nitrareon but his mother and uncle shortened that down to “Nitro” when he was...