We are happy to share with you some news about the Freightliner® Cascadia, which we are sure avid drivers of this truck will love! In the 1.43 update for American Truck Simulator, we will be introducing new parts and customization options that will allow ... us LIVE for the second episode of our Let's Play series! where we make a fresh start in American Truck Simulator. We will be progressively working our way up the T
Immerse yourself in the ultimate trucking experience with American Truck Simulator! Take the wheel of meticulously detailed big rigs and embark on an exciting j…
欧卡2:【TruckersMP】新活动——水果货运嘉年华,夏季来临,现在是在 TruckersMP 推出新型游戏内活动的最佳时机 - 货运活动。从 6 月 5 日到 7 月 2 日,我们将提供五种新的TruckersMP 独家特殊货物,供您在 Euro Truck Simulator 2 和 American Truck Simulator 中运送到欧洲和北美。参加Fruity Freight Fiesta活动,...
American Truck Simulator 驾驶传奇的美国卡车,在阳光明媚的加利福尼亚州、布满沙子的内华达州,以及被称为“大峡谷之州”的亚利桑那州各地运送各种货物。美洲卡车模拟带你来一场穿越各州震撼景致与著名地标的旅程。 最近评测: 好评如潮(1,802) 全部评测:
美国重型卡车运输模拟是一款非常好玩的赛车竞速手游,美国重型卡车运输模拟有着非常精致的游戏画面,玩家在游戏中驾驶着不同的卡车来一场说走就走了旅行,整个游戏过程非常的轻松有趣,感兴趣的小伙伴快来点击下载吧,千万不要错过哟! 美国重型卡车运输模拟游戏介绍 美国重型卡车运输模拟是一款美国地图的卡车运输驾驶游戏,最...
While it may not be for everyone due to its niche genre, it stands as one of the best truck simulation games available, and its modding community ensures that it continues to evolve and improve over time. So, if you've ever dreamed of hitting the open road in a big rig, American ...
与我们一起踏上旅程,看看美洲卡车模拟即将到来的阿肯色州地图扩展的一些隐藏宝藏和可运输的新货物。在今天的文章中,我们将带大家提前看看位于自然之州的一些美丽的地方,这些地点并不容易找到,以及大家可以在此运输的一些新货物! 驾驶员们必须真正地探索阿肯色州,才能
Today is the day, engines at the ready! The Arkansas DLC for American Truck Simulator releases today and we can't wait for you to get haulin'. Are you ready to explore the Natural State and all that it has to offer? Let's get cruising!