AmericanCulture:TraditionsandCustomsoftheUnitedStates AmericanCulture Beingontimeisimportant.Americanslikeprivacyandpersonalspace.Americanscanbeverydirectandhonest,eventhoughitmayseemrudetopeoplefromanotherculture.Americansaskabouthowyourdayisgoingwithoutexpectingananswer.Americanswaittheirturninlines.Americansvalue...
The Northeast, South, Midwest, Southeast and Western regions of the United States all have distinct traditions and customs. Here is a brief overview of the culture of the United States. Language According to the US Government, there is no official language of the United States (Image credit: ...
American Culture: Traditions and Customs of the United StatesThe cowboy is an American icon of style and attitude.Credit: Sascha Burkard | ShutterstockAmerican culture encompasses the customs and traditions of the United States. "Culture encompasses religion, food, what we wear, how we wear it, ...
AMERICAN CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS AMERICANCUSTOMSANDTRADITIONS 郭文娟 AMERICANCUSTOMSANDTRADITIONS Newyear’sDayValentine’sDayEasterIndependenceDayHalloweenThanksgivingChristmas Valentine’sDay February14th,Valentine’sDay,isasweethearts’day,onwhichpeopleinlovewitheachother...
nearly 4.6% of the total US student population is made up of international students from 200+ countries. Each of these students bring their own culture and identities to add to the mix, with unique traditions, food, and sports — which you’ll definitely experience during your university ...
Chapter 13 British and American___ Traditions and Customs[精彩] 热度: religion and education in UK_ Britain and American culture 英美文化教学课件 热度: 欧美人的风俗和禁忌(EuropeanandAmericancustomsandtaboos) [culturalintroduction]commonsenseofculture---the customs...
These values are rooted in a basic optimism about life and a faith in free will-a confidence 些价值观植根于一种对生活的基本乐观态度和对自由意志的信念一一种这样的信心: that through pluck and sweat and smarts, each of us can rise above the circumstances of our birth. 通过勇气、汗水和智慧,...
Customs and Traditions of Native American Indian Groups 中学英语课外阅读阅读材料摘要:考试与评价(英语高考专刊)