Catholic American Thinker explores Culture, Religion and Politics. Promotes Orthodox Roman Catholicism, American Constitutionalism and Western Civilization.
The sources used are typically from Questionable and right leaning sources such as the Daily Caller, Daily Wire, The Blaze and American Thinker. They also promote debunked conspiracy theories related to the Seth Rich murder as well as pseudoscience in regards to climate change. In general, this ...
In a sense, his professional transformation embodied the sort of change one must undergo when making the formal shift from orthodox believer to individual thinker. This is not to say, of course, that one cannot subscribe to a faith statement and be an individual with a brain. But that ...
The eponymous target of Kennedy’s book is Dr. Anthony Fauci, who had spent five decades playing a leading role in the public health activities of the American government before he became the official face of our response to the Covid epidemic. With the calm, soothing demeanor of an experien...
"Muir has profoundly shaped the very categories through which Americans understand and envision their relationships with the natural world," writes Holmes.Muir was noted for being an ecological thinker, political spokesman, and religious prophet, whose writings became a personal guide into nature for ...
"First we must admit that the evi- dence for the tenability of this doctrine is to [sic] shallow to convince any ob- jective thinker. How then did this doc- trine arise? A clue to this inquiry may be found in a sentence from St. Justin's First Apology. Here Justin states that ...
Roseanne grew bored. She was a deep thinker, growing more profound with each gig. When Jane Austen came back in vogue with the moviesCluelessandSense and Sensibility, I started my own production company and hired so many women—even skinny ...
Objective 1:Establish a temporary site initially. Objective 2:Establish a permanent site. GOAL 2:Establish a range of programs that celebrate the longstanding African American presence in Newtown, Overtown and Sarasota, that facilitates learning, and encourages a shared experience. ...
Even ESR, well-known as a sharp thinker didn’t question the idea ‘that English has a richer technical vocabulary than any other language’ (as was reported to him). I mean what?!? Especially programmers should see the red sign blinking when it comes to language rank...
The traditional strategy of the pusillanimous right is to point the finger at people further to the right and say, “No, no, I’m not a bigot; those are the real bigots. I’m merely a bold thinker.” This is what Mr. D’Souza has done, and his primary targets have been me and...