MANUSCRIPTS should be typed, doubled-spaced, on 8½ × 11-inch paper with 1-inch margins and should not exceed a total of 15 pages, excluding simple tables and figures. Limit references to no more than 40. Number all pages, beginning with the title page. The style of writing should ...
MANUSCRIPTS should be typed, doubled-spaced, on 8½ × 11-inch paper with 1-inch margins and should not exceed a total of 15 pages, excluding simple tables and figures. Limit references to no more than 40. Number all pages, beginning with the title page. The style of writing should ...
Please note that incorrect surnames, journal/book titles, publication year and pagination may prevent link creation. When copying references, please be careful as they may already contain errors. Use of the DOI is highly encouraged. A DOI is guaranteed never to change, so you can u...
Authors, Affiliations, Addresses (bilingual with English) In the cover letter, provide the first names (or initials – if used), middle names (or initials – if used), and surnames for all authors. Affiliations should include: Department University or organization City Postal...
Elizabeth (better known as The Countess) is the owner of the Hotel Cortez and a carrier of a mysterious blood virus. She is a character in Hotel portrayed by Lady Gaga. Born in 1904, Elizabeth Johnson is a 112-year-old creature as glamorous as she is dea
The best clues to tear down the “brick wall” research are found in thenameson the ads by the slave owners. Their imprints are often with first and surnames and identities of their family members who would benefit from the sale. The ad below that was posted in the Savannah, Georgia news...
• Polish Surnames: Origins and Meanings by William F. Hoffman (2012) – This is a must-have reference to determine the proper Polish surname for ancestors. Books on History, Culture, and Customs • Polish Immigration to America by Stephen Szabados (2016) – This book gives excellent insi...
due to the fact thatin Wales it was customary for sons to carry on the surnames of both parents, to wit: Morgan ap Carrier, ap being a prefix signifying “son of.”It is apparent that in America he followed the custom of this countryand used one name only, presumably his father’s....
Smith is one of the oldest surnames in the U.S., so perhaps it's no surprise that it's the nation's most common last name. In the 2010 Census, there were 2.4 million instances of the surname recorded in the United States. After Smith, the next-most common names included Johnson (1....
Smith is one of the oldest surnames in the U.S., so perhaps it's no surprise that it's the nation's most common last name. In the 2010 Census, there were2.4 million instances of the surnamerecorded in the United States. After Smith, the next-most common names included Johnson (1.93...