Itsofficialname:TheUnitedStatesofAmerica美利坚合众国*Abbreviatedforms:TheUnitedStates;TheU.S.A;TheU.S.;America;TheStates*Nickname:UncleSam;Yankee;BrotherJonathan;Columbia TheGeneralABCsoftheUK JohnBull Vs.UncleSam TheLocation *TheUnitedStatesissituatedinthecentralpartofNorthAmericawithitstwoyoungeststates–...
State information resource with links to state homepage, state historical societies, state capital information, symbols, flags, maps, constitutions, representitives, songs, birds, flowers, trees, and other state and capital information
50 states and their capitals ?? states capitals 亚拉巴马 Alabama -- AL 蒙哥马利 Montgomery 阿拉斯加 Alaska -- AK 朱诺 Juneau 亚利桑那 Arizona --AZ 菲尼克斯 Phoenix 阿肯色 Arkansas -- AR 小石城 Little rock 加利福尼亚 California -- CA 萨克拉门托 Sacramento 科罗拉多 Colorado -- CO 丹佛 Denver ...
Frequent words高频词汇 Academic word list学术词汇表 USA states, abbreviations, and capitals美国各州名称及缩写,首府 Text messaging and emoticons短信聊天常用缩写及表情 Credits插图引用列表 Pronunciation 发音 List of grammatical notations语法符号表
thefourthlargestcountryintheworld,smallerthanRussia,CanadaandChinaandthetotalpopulationismorethan300millionnow.•Thewholecountryincludes50statesandafederaldistrict--Washington.D.C)(华盛顿哥伦比亚特区)(D.CmeansDistrict ofColumbia),whichistheseatoftheFederalGovernment.50statesandtheircapitals • ...
Academic word list学术词汇表USA states, abbreviations, and capitals美国各州名称及缩写,首府Text messaging and emoticons短信聊天常用缩写及表情Credits插图引用列表Pronunciation 发音List of grammatical notations语法符号表 购前说明 联系店家 店铺 购物车 加入购物车 立即购买 微店App 查看我收藏过的好物好店 打开...
Maps ofTurks and Caicos Islands Maps ofUS Virgin Islands (United States Virgin Islands, USVI) Maps of theUSA (United States of America) Collection of maps of North America with North American Countries Maps (Maps of countries of North America). Other maps of North America....
All About 50 US States, Capitals, Zone and Maps. Funny educational game to learn the geography of zone the United States of America puzzle. Version History 2 Nov 2016 Version 1.2.1 This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon. ...
aUsed to have an American girl, she is not friendly to the Chinese, but she is very friendly to me, so I was with her, I'm not hate all people in the United States 曾经有美国女孩,她不是友好的对中国人,但是她是非常友好的对我,因此我是以她,我不是怨恨所有人在美国[translate]...
The force of global capital is not external to states, but internal, remaking their social relations and orientation of the domestic bourgeoisie. However, the globalization of capital has, in itself, been brought about by the actions of the US state....