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Meets water efficiency standards for ultra-low-flush toilets, dispensing 1.6 GPF Equipped with a 4 in. piston-action accelerator flush valve for extra-strong washouts At a glance Brand American Standard Material Vitreous China Assembled product dimensions (l x w x h)...
Toto Lt530. 12 Sedona Promenade Lavatory - Single Hole, Beige Toto Is The World's Largest Plumbing Products Manufacturer. They Offer A Complete Streak Of Trading And Decorative Plumbing Fixtures And Fittings, Faucets, Accessories, Shower And Flush Valves, As Well As Lavatories, Toilets, Air Ba...
DK:My parents were two very different people who learned, over the fifty years they spent together, how to recalibrate their often rocky relationship with humor. They were each very funny, but together they werethefunniest one person I have ever known. I think my interest in the prose poem...
Stands 34" High L-4 Legs (Pencil) standard Some Assembly Required This is anEco-Friendlyproduct Also available inHard rock maple topor aWalnut Top How to Maintain your Butcher Block Block Care Instructions Made in the USA When Adding Casters Info ...
7721 30 flat bed seats PitchWidthSeating details Premium Economy3819 21 recliner seats Main Cabin Extra3517.2 36 standard seats Main Cabin3116.2 - 17.2 198 standard seats In-flight amenities Audio Video AC Power Internet Food All Business Class seats feature a 15.4-inch HD-capable touchscreen monit...
126 standard seats Main Cabin Extra3316.6-17.8 12 standard seats In-flight amenities Audio Video AC Power Internet Food A variety of music selections are available and accessed through personal portable devices. Overview American Airlines added the Boeing 737 MAX 8 to their fleet in 2017. The airc...
there’s one placed on each desk for good luck, and the tall reeds make open desks look like forest clearings. For all the campus’s high-tech trappings, most of its toilets are essentially just holes in the floor, and each bathroom includes a bucket where employees dump their tea leaves...
“I can really shake it up in a way that a standard politician can’t.” Since then, Rauner has watched almost passively as Illinois’ finances have crumbled even further. He refused to blink during a standoff with Michael Madigan, the longtime state House speaker who’s become his bête...