He gave a detailed account of the 4 spies (all Russian) known, caught at the Labs. And his own personal experience there, including getting fired as a whistleblower. Fascinating and genuine history.The bus tour goes near secret areas and through semi-secret ones. It stops at four sites, ...
Having people in the right place at the right time was vital to both the Union and the Confederate armies during the American Civil War. Units of spies and scouts reported directly to the commanders of armies in the field. They provided details on troop movements and strengths. The most use...
Ct,odnfuursiinogn mthaetritxraoifnginesgtuprerec-lsatsasigfiecatthioens(u1-bvjse-catlsl).learned how to use the reseIanrcthhesytsytpeimngcoenxspiestriinmgeonft,adsoufrtiwngartehaeptpraliicnaitniognparned-stthageeLethaep sMuobtjieocntsCleoanrtnroeldlehr.oTwhetno tuhseeirtthaesk rewseaa...