U.S. confirms death of another American in UkraineRussia claims it has killed an American who was helping to defend Ukraine. Russia says the soldier was 24 years old and from Tennessee, but the State Department would only confirm that a U.S. citizen died in Ukraine.Aug 27, 2022...
That’s why I will be present in Kyiv, Ukraine, 15 August 2024 between dawn and noon. Painters, performers, poets, philosophers, sculptors, dancers, bystanders and witnesses, those whose can only sit by and watch – it is time to move, dance, to be there with each other for our friend...
Eli Lilly (July 8, 1838 – June 6, 1898) was an American soldier, pharmacist, chemist, and businessman who founded the Eli Lilly and Company pharmaceutical corporation. Lilly enlisted in the Union Army during the American Civil War and recruited a company of men to se...
Birthplace: Lviv, Ukraine David S. Reynolds Age: 76 David S. Reynolds (born 1948) is an American literary critic, biographer, and historian who has written about American literature and culture. He is the author or editor of fifteen books, on the Civil War era—including figures such as ...
The morning of 15 August, the feast of the Assumption (of the mother to the father and son), at dawn, in the summer theater of Syretsky Park in Kyiv, Ukraine, I performed mySong of SelfandBlack Nail - Exorcism of Vladimir Putin. ...
Even though these verses were inspired by those valiant Americans whose names are engraved on that black wall, it is nonetheless a tribute to each and every person who has ever died in the service of our country. When this was written, my son whom I mentioned was about 6. He is now a...
Afterwards, during coffee hour in the church hall, a visitor from Ukraine came to me and said, “Fr. Moses, I really appreciated what you said, and I forgive the soldiers, because I myself was once a soldier and I know that sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to. You...
Later I learned that the authorities in Ukraine were plotting to compromise me. I avoided this thanks to my friend and visionary Ferdinand and the prudence of my wife. The wind that breaks trees is a sign that shortly changes will take place. These were the unpleasant surprises that came ...
Initially these were largely drawn from the post-2001 military campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq, with the former Soviet states Ukraine and Romania added for the 2018 Games, Belgium and South Korea invited to the 2022 iteration, and Israel set to attend the 2023 Invictus Games in Dusseldorf. ...
Eli Lilly (July 8, 1838 – June 6, 1898) was an American soldier, pharmacist, chemist, and businessman who founded the Eli Lilly and Company pharmaceutical corporation. Lilly enlisted in the Union Army during the American Civil War and recruited a company of men to se...