1868年, 美国土木工程师和建筑师协会更名为美国土木工程师协会(American Society of Civil EngineersAmerican Society of Civil Engineers,ASCE)。 三、产品与服务 ASCE旗下产品与服务主要包括期刊、图书、数据库和平台。 (一)ASCE期刊 ASCE旗下包含41种期刊,包含26种以多学科土木工程为主题的期刊和15种研究机构出版的...
土木工程数据库(Civil Engineering Database,CEDB)是一个免费的在线书目数据库。它包含26万份书目记录,包括ASCE出版的期刊、书籍、会议记录和杂志,覆盖时间从1872年至今。(四)ASCE平台 ASCE搭建的Future World Vision平台,让土木工程师能够通过探索现有的基础设施系统在未来潜在场景American Society of Civil Engin...
American society of civil engineersdoi:10.1016/0016-0032(73)90361-XSDOSJournal of the Franklin InstituteAmerican Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE. Minimum design loads for buildings and other structures. ASCE/SEI 7-10, 2010.
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 2025 Convention, Oct 2025, United States, organized by ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers. Find conference details | Conference Locate (Clocate)
除了期刊,ASCE还出版书籍、会议记录和技术标准,以及《地质结构》和《土木工程杂志》等。数据库方面,ASCE Library提供全文数据库访问,包括ASCE Library和Civil Engineering Database,后者拥有超过26万份记录的丰富资源。此外,ASCE还通过Future World Vision平台,让工程师探索未来基础设施在不同场景中的应用...
ASCE数据库包括ASCE Library和Civil Engineering Database。ASCE Library作为官网,是土木工程研究和实用出版物的全文数据库,提供高质量的期刊、书籍、会议记录、技术标准和杂志内容。Civil Engineering Database是一个免费在线书目数据库,包含自1872年以来的26万份书目记录。ASCE平台提供Future World Vision,让...
Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ISSN: 0003-1119) 出版社 ISSN-L0003-1119 ISSN0003-1119 IF(影响因子)2025 Evaluation Pending 期刊主页 期刊概要 The description of this Journal has not been added. Please edit it freely or contact us....
The American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程协会 2007.09 北京工业大学图书馆 美国土木工程协会(The American Society of Civil Engineers简称ASCE),成立于1852年,是全球最大的土木工程出版机构。 全球土木工程领域的领导者,超过13万专业会员,来自159个国家 最大的土木工程信息知识的出版机构 ASCE出版物包括30...
[American Society of Civil Engineers AEI 2017 - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (April 11–13, 2017)] AEI 2017 - Shape and Size Effects on the Compressive Strength of Cement Stabilised Rammed Earth This paper deals with the shape and size effects of cement stabilized rammed earth (CSRE) samples ...
American Society of Civil Engineers Migrates to HighWire Hosting 08.01.2024 HighWire Press, a leading provider of publishing products and services, announces the successful launch of ASCE AMPLIFY on HighWire’s publishing platform, providing greater discoverability and engagement. PRINCETON, N.J.,...