• Inside the Crosshairs: Snipers in Vietnam • Defenders of Liberty: African-Americans in the Revolutionary War • Blood Warriors: American Military Elites • The Battle 100: The Stories Behind History’s Most Influential Battles • Mercenaries: Soldiers of Fortune, from Ancient Greece to...
In front of the pistol grip the stock is molded into a trigger guard, removing that separate part of the rifle and reducing manufacturing costs. Provided the plastic can hold up to the abuses of field use, it should work fine, though after-market stock makers will now have to deal with ...
This essay tries to explore on the use of artillery in this war, as well as how the war contributed and evolved the modern artillery. First off, the Vietnam War was marked by the massive use of weapons of the air mainly by the United States troops. The United States air force, with ...
Oh... and too bad [director] Clint [Eastwood] gets Vietnam and Iraq confused in his storytelling. Joel Ryan / AP "And that he has his characters calling Iraqis 'savages' throughout the film. But there is also anti-war sentiment expressed in the movie. And there's a touching ending ...
Most of us were taught the story of Jesse James and that the scoundrel wasn't James (who was a criminal who killed people) but rather the sniper who shot him in the back. "I think most Americans don't think snipers are heroes. Hopefully not on this weekend when we remember that man...
It is here, in an unusually rare moment of clarity, Platt reveals the sullen truth, that contrary to his earlier claims of battlefield heroics, he spent his entire Army career based stateside or in Seoul, South Korea, but he never served in Vietnam at all. He was “all ready to go,...
The snipers practiced in the dark And we patched holes in our Sky Lark The day the Viet Cong died We were singin' Bye, Bye mistah Viet Cong pie Flew my chopper to the jungle but the jungle was gone And the good ol' Johnny was shootin a black minigun ...
snipers in October 2002. During his law enforcement career, Moose served as the chief of police for Montgomery County, Maryland, and Portland, Oregon. Birthplace: New York City, New York Clarence Bradford Clarence O'Neal Bradford, known as C.O. "Clarence" Bradford (and C.O. "Brad" ...
There was a certain main who lived in South Vietnam. One of the things he did for a living was taxidermy. He was fairly good at it and had a good reputation. He lived in a small village on the edge of a large property owned by a French colonist. The Frenchman made a lot of ...
He had to. That’s how the military trains snipers like him. “Every person I killed I strongly believe that they were bad,” Kyle told the BBC. I have traveled to my father’s battlefield in Vietnam and I have befriended Vietnamese who lost even more than I did during the war....