Behind the Scenes and Making of American Sniper (2015) - 2 Clips Courtesy of: Warner Bros. Plot: Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle's pinpoint accuracy saves countless lives on the battlefield and turns him into a legend. Back home to his wife and kids after four tours of duty, however, Chri...
The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers Watch on This vintage war epic follows a group of British prisoners of war who, under Japanese command, must build a bridge over Burma’s River Kwai—as the title makes clear. The story, which comes from a 195...
"CollegeHumor Originals" The Baby in American Sniper Was More Fake Than You Know(TV Episode 2015) A take on the infamous fake baby scene. "Tosh.0" Girl Dunks(TV Episode 2015) Parodied with a child as the sniper "Robot Chicken" Food(TV Episode 2016) ...
American Sniper Official Trailer #2 (2014) - Bradley Cooper Movie HD A Navy SEAL recounts his military career, which includes more than 150 confirmed kills. The Movieclips Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it's the latest studio re...
Movie"Some dreams become destiny." Dec 15, 2021-'American Underdog' Clip: PanthersVideo clip ‘Gentleman’ from the war movie ‘The King’s Man’ director by Andrew Erwin. 2:12 'American Underdog' Trailer 2 4:10 'American Underdog' Interviews ...
Sniper 2 (widescreen, Full Frame) Tom Berenger ("training Day", "the Big Chill") And Bokeem Woodbine ("the Big Hit", "the Rock") Star With Dan Butler, Linden Ashby And Erika Marozs?n In The Action-packed Sequel To One Of The Most Intense And Explosive Action Thrillers Of Whole Time...
Val and Walter set about capturing the chaos on Omaha as it unfolded around them. One of the most gripping movie clips Val shot that survived the landing was the rescue of several drowning GI’s. Their landing craft was hit and sinking, and as they ended up in the water floundering, a...
The movie, which came out in 1951, is worth a watch. It contains considerable actual combat footage and gun camera clips, some of which no longer exists at NARA. For more on John L and his squadron, take a look here:
Funny how the M-21 sniper rifle system uses this type of action. Go figure. Admittedly the M-21/M-14 is a higher maintenance gun than the AR, and this is one of the reasons why ARs are superceding the M-14 in matches. The other reason is familiarity with the rifle… since ARs ...
"CollegeHumor Originals" The Baby in American Sniper Was More Fake Than You Know(TV Episode 2015) A take on the infamous fake baby scene. "Tosh.0" Girl Dunks(TV Episode 2015) Parodied with a child as the sniper "Robot Chicken" Food(TV Episode 2016) ...