American Sniper is a 2014 war drama directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller, and Kyle Gallner. Based on the memoir of the same name by Chris Kyle, the movie tells the true story of Kyle's tour of duty in Iraq as a Navy SEAL sniper. The movie opens with...
Sienna Miller and Bradley Cooper were spotted filming a wedding scene on the set of Clint Eastwood's American Sniper in Los Angeles over the weekend (May 31).The Hollywood stars were pictured kissing and dancing together as they were shot on top of a balcony of a restaurant decorated with ...
Finally! Movie Podcast Weekly Episode 122 emerges! In this show, your hosts Jason, Andy and Karl bring you a Feature Review of Best Picture nominee American Sniper. We also bring you our Mini Reviews and most of our specialty recommendation segments! Thanks for listening, and please vote on ...
Michael O'Sullivan
Exclusive: American Sniper has the best chance to win the Best Picture Oscar on Sunday, according to a complex analysis of the components underlying this year’s nominees and the past decade’s winners by Senzari, a big-data company specializing in movies and music. The Imitation Game has the...
American Sniper has been good for Clint Eastwood. He’s not been himself lately. Venturing off range, his films have become fiddly and unsure of themselves. The indifferent biopics of J. Edgar and Invictus, the maudlin spiritual-guff of Hereafter, the big-screen adaptation of stage-musical Je...
The real Taya Kyle and Chris Kyle on their wedding day (left). Actors Sienna Miller and Bradley Cooper recreate the wedding for theAmerican Snipermovie (right). Did Chris Kyle really shoot a boy who was concealing a grenade? No. In the movie, Chris Kyle (Bradley Cooper) shoots a boy an...
Andrew Lazar, Oscar-nominated producer of 2014’s highest grossing film,American Sniper, will produce the sci-fi thrillerRupture. The title is to be directed bySteven Shainberg(Secretary), based on a story by Shainberg andBrian Nelson(Hard Candy),with Nelson penning the screenplay. It concerns...
American Sniper American Sniper - Official Trailer 2 [HD] Subscribe toWBSM-AM/AM 1420on Black Or White Black or White Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Kevin Costner, Octavia Spencer Movie HD WBSM-AM/AM 1420on , beachraider Woman Wears Her Mothers Old Ring for 25 Years - Then Jeweller Tells...
The movie is scandalously blinkered. Its springboard is the tragically murdered Chris Kyle’s best-selling memoir (written with Jim DeFelice), which chronicled his tours in Iraq as a Navy SEAL and his acquisition — thanks to an unprecedented number of sniper kills — of the sobriquet “...