Slang: bull, copper, flatfoot, fuzz, gendarme, heat, man (often uppercase). Chiefly British: bobby, constable, peeler.verb 1. To maintain or keep in order with or as if with police: patrol. 2. To make or keep (an area) clean and orderly: clean (up), clear (up), neaten (up)...
slang-贩毒。trap -贩毒。rock star -吸毒上瘾的人。primo, turbo, zootie -此三名词皆为掺了可卡因的大麻。slab, snow -皆指可卡因。smacked -药效发作。through -嗑药的兴奋状态。triple beam -原来是拿来秤金子,但后来被拿来当作秤毒品的秤子。skins,zig zags-皆为卷大麻烟的纸。sherm stick -浸泡过精油的...
media, and current events, here are some American slang words that will entertain you - or maybe even make you blush.American slang wordsWordMeaningHobnobSocialize with people of an artificially higher statusChillRelaxPopoPoliceFuzzPoliceAirheadSilly/foolish personCringeReally embarrassingCopiumFake drug to...
美国俚语(american slang).doc,美国俚语(american slang) Handsome to fall Cha American slang Source: EG to log 1. kick ass great! A:, Wow, you, fixed, my, computer, in, less, than,, good., minutes., Youre, etc. A: WOW! You got my computer fixed in less
“This party is getting too wild for me. I’m gonnabounce.” 12.Bougie Word type:Adjective Also spelledboujie,boujee,boojieandbourgie.This word comes from the Frenchbourgeois, which simply refers to members of the middle class. In American slang, however,bougiemeans snobbish or pretentious for...
While answering at last the questions surrounding the 1890 assassination of Police Chief David Hennessy and the subsequent Crescent City lynchings, Deep Water establishes the factual details of Macheca�s life and sets them against the vivid backdrop of Gilded Age New Orleans. New Orleans was ...
Don has been on the road for weeks now, without a clear destination, propelled into some kind of pilgrimage of self-reinvention. This episode's title “The Milk and Honey Route” is apparently a phrase from hobo slang, dating perhaps from the teens, 1920s and ‘30s. According to the ...
in cahootsIn league or in partnership; in conspiracy; alsoto go in cahootsorcahoot with, meaning to join up with, to become partners; andgo cahootsmeaning to share equally. This U.S. slang expression, dating from 1829, is said to have derived from the kind of partnership that was expecte...
slammer:The police threw them both in the slammer. MEANING: jail smashed:Try not to get smashed at the beer party. MEANING: intoxicated smoke eater:My father is a smoke eater. MEANING: fireman split:It is time to split and go see the movie. MEANING: leave ...
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