These perceptions are specific to three areas across all disciplines and schools: course, instructor and student. By evaluating these perceptions, it is anticipated that our analysis will create a starting point for examining how an American style education can be maintained and supported in a ...
I have a Journal Article Titled: An Appraisal of Igbo Language Teaching Material Resources in Secondary School in Niger State Nigeria, which I wish to publish in your American Educational Journal. Thanks. Reply MMelanie Ortiz 5 years ago Dear Ezema,thank you for contacting us.Sorry to tell...
Lactobacillus vaginal microbiota of women attending a reproductive health care service in Benin city, Nigeria The objective of this study was to determine whether Lactobacillus species found in African women differ substantially to those of white decent, described ... KC Anukam,EO Osazuwa,A Ijeoma,...
First World War, the public's attitude toward sex education was apathetic. With venereal disease posing a threat to America's "military efficiency" during the war, however, military programs in sex education were instituted that then gave rise to similar programs in secondary schools in the 1920...
"Over the past decade, the north-eastern region of Nigeria has endured a relentless series of terrorist attacks – leading to displacement, impoverishment and homelessness, disrupting individuals' sense of identity and continuity, demanding urgent attention. ...
Lauryn Callis, and I am a senior reporter for the Indian Leader here at Haskell. I am a business major, and I specialize in photojournalism, interviews, and video production. My tribes are within the Muscogee and Cherokee Nations of Oklahoma, with roots tracing back to Nigeria andContinue ...
ACN Anglican Church in Nigeria ACN Association for Comprehensive NeuroTherapy ACN Aircraft Classification Number ACN Academic Computer Network (various locations) ACN Adventist Communication Network ACN Association of Camp Nurses ACN Air Cargo Netherlands ACN Animal Compassion Network (North Carolina) ACN All...
The purpose of this study was to determine the availability and use of classroom computers in urban and rural schools in Southwestern Nigeria. Since it is nearly a universal agreement that, when properly utilized, computers hold a great deal of promise to improve teaching and learning, it is pe...
Reforms in secondary schools mathematics curricula in Nigeria: a need for human resource development for global competitiveness Chinweoke, F. U. (2015a). Reforms in secondary school mathematics curricula in Nigeria: A need for human resource development for global competitiveness. American Academic & ...
Canada Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada and Nigeria (2012) stated that “most Yoruba chieftaincy titles are hereditary, and others are bestowed upon individuals.” In the early 2000s, Nigerians began selling non-hereditary titles, that is, titles given to the community of strangers also ...