Samoa Standard Time (SST) -1100 UTC UTC/GMT is 02:59 on 2025年2月27日 Difference from your location: 19hoursbehindUnknown, China DST Time Zone Map Daylight Saving Time This location does not observe Daylight Saving Time. What are the major cities here?
American Samoa is: Wednesday2/19/20252:18 PMUTC-11:00 American Samoa observes UTC - 11 Standard Time year round American Samoa Local Time Details Time Zone Abbreviations American Samoa Time - is abbreviated as SST - Samoa Standard Time UTC - GMT Offset American Samoa is GMT/UTC - 11h ...
Current local time in American Samoa – Pago Pago. Get Pago Pago's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Pago Pago's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.
Time Zones:1 Dial Code:+1 Time Zone in American Samoa 12時55分 Pago Pago SST UTC -11 See all Time Zones in American Samoa See Holidays in American Samoa Create a Calendar for American Samoa Current Local Time in Locations in American Samoa with Links for More Information(1 Location) ...
American Samoa uses one time zone, Samoa Standard Time, where local time is 11 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC-11). Daylight saving time is not observed. There are no scheduled clock changes in the future. The time zone of American Samoa is assigned the IANA identifier: Pacific...
Current local time in Aua, American Samoa. Time zones SST, Samoa Standard Time, Pacific/Pago_Pago. Aua UTC/GMT offset, daylight saving, facts and alternative names
Current local time in Vaitogi, American Samoa. Time zones SST, Samoa Standard Time, Pacific/Pago_Pago. Vaitogi UTC/GMT offset, daylight saving, facts and alternative names
美属萨摩亚 帕帕 当地时间 读取中... 地区美属萨摩亚 帕帕 Pago Pago , American Samoa 时区UTC/GMT -11 小时 和北京时差晚 19 小时 纬度14°16'_南 经度170°42'_西 世界位置
Distance / AltitudeLocationReport Date / TimeLive WeatherWindGustsTemp.VisibilityCloud 7 kmS/ 213 m Pago Pago Airport(Samoa/polynesia) 2025-02-2610:50 local (2025/02/2621:50 GMT) Dry and partly cloudy 25moderate winds from the E(24 km/h at 80) 29.9°C 19 scatteredbrokenbroken 21 kmE/ ...
Current local time in Leone, American Samoa. Time zones SST, Samoa Standard Time, Pacific/Pago_Pago. Leone UTC/GMT offset, daylight saving, facts and alternative names