There are more than 22 American Samoa Area Code Database in this website, including International Dialing Code, International Prefix, National Prefix, National Destination Code, Subscriber Number From, Subscriber Number To, National Destination Code Leng
In June of 2010, an intensive and extensive survey was conducted in the interior of Olosega Island, Manu'a Group, American Samoa over an area encompassing roughly 117 hectares. Terrestrial food production and land use in prehistoric Samoa: an example from Olosega Island, Manu'a, American Samoa...
(Placename) the part of Samoa administered by the US. Capital: Pago Pago. Pop: 54 719 (2013 est). Area: 197 sq km (76 sq miles) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 201...
Economy - overview: American Samoa has a traditional Polynesian economy in which more than 90% of the land is communally owned. Economic activity is strongly linked to the United States with which American Samoa conducts most of its foreign trade. Tuna fishing and tuna processing plants are the...
TERRITORY OF AMERICAN SAMOA Status:Territory Governor:Lolo Matalasi (2013) Capital (2011 est.):Pago Pago, 64,000 Total area:77 sq mi (199 sq km) Population (2014 est.):54,517 (growth rate: –0.35%); birth rate: 22.87/1000; infant mortality rate: 8.92/1000; life expectancy: 74.91 ...
A US possession, American Samoa has an area of 197 sq km. In 1974 the population was 30,000. The administrative center is Pago Pago on Tutuila, and the country is divided into three districts. Except for a small coastal plain in the south, mountains occupy almost the entire island of ...
The islands of American Samoa lie about 2300 miles southwest of Hawaii and 1600 miles northeast of New Zealand, making the territory the only United States possession south of the Equator. The seven small tropical islands have a total land area of 76.2 square milesMcBride, Maurice H...
SMA designation for Ottoville Rainforest is pending, but it has been designated as a "unique Area" as defined under the American Samoa Coastal Zone Management Plan. Data for Ottoville SMA has been manually created based on the description provided in the Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation ...
Some whites married to Samoan women acquired individual ownership of land before the 1930s, when the U. S. Navy outlawed land sales. A cruise ship moored at Pago Pago. Visitors to American Samoa help boost the local economy. Individual land purchases now are restricted to persons with at...