I pursued many American dreams for the TODAY show, but this was a nightmare. We were suspended eighteen stories above New York Harbor on a thin metal ladder tilted between the pedestal and the big toe of the Statue of Liberty. She approached her Centennial riddled with rust. There are holes...
We’re talking dirty fingernails, rust-covered metal, and even those tough negotiations with strong-willed owners and collectors. All of these bits and pieces work together to create this everlasting story of how closely tied our present is to history’s past. It takes a team of dedicated ...
There’s afin de siècleschadenfreudein ourair du temps. YouTube spiritualists see souls fleeing the coming travails of those still earthbound. But thefrissonthat comes when the past becomesthe pastwhile the future rustles someplace in the shadows doesn’t have to be one of apprehensive nostalgi...
While much of “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” was filmed on a soundstage, the house that stood in as the exterior of Mary’s top floor apartment in the first five seasons still exists in Minnesota. It can be found at 2104 Kenwood Parkway in Minneapolis. Mississippi: Rust College Timothy W...
(box and all). I found that the needle on the old meter was fused to the meter face where the face had warped. Rather than mess with repairing that I decided to just put in the new one. While removing the gauges I had the battery disconnected. Each time I wanted to test something ...
(1948), thesuspensefultaleofayoungwomanterrorizedbyananonymoustelephonecaller;it wasfilmedtwelveyearslater,starringDorisDayandRexHarrison. Kantorisfarbetterknownforhismainstreamnovels,suchasthesentimentaldog storyTheVoiceofBugleAnn(1936),filmedthesameyear;thelongnarrativepoemGlory forMe(1945),filmedasTheBest...
rust rusk rushing rulers rotary rosy rookie romans rocky robbery robbed roast riverside risen ringing rides revulsion reviewing retrieved restrain resource reservoir representations replies relevance reject reinforce regulus refusing refrain recruit recognizing recognizes reared ration rating ranges ramsey rally ...
Furthermore, while Pillsbury did not theorize these resemblances in any meaningful way, he clearly engineered his time-lapse cameras as extensions of nature; every turn of the gears, movement of the pendulum, and exposure on celluloid was animated by the biological time of the plants he filmed...
Kim, who is Korean-American, and her husband, Bradley Rust Gray, are a filmmaking couple whose movies are intertwined. They don't just work on each other's films, they even made a pair of features named after a Cure single and its B side — Kim's In Between Days, about a Korean ...