Moving to Revolution Over the next decade, Washington grew his business interests and influence. Though he disliked the1765 Stamp Act, he did not begin publicly opposing British taxes until 1769 — when he organized a boycott in response to the Townshend Acts. With the introduction of the Intole...
Button Sections: Heritage and Military Uniform Buttons Home Military Uniform Buttons: The American Revolution
June 19th. This was the date great, great, grand daddies used to mark the calendar of their lives. In 1865 folks gathered to hear a general who came to tell Texas what the rest of the world already knew. Black Americans were now free. They called it Juneteeth, the day that changed t...
Dr. Hernandez Lectures CHS About The Mexican Revolution DAEDALIAN FLIGHT 24, ALL FASFers, TEST NEW LOCATION Wouldn’t this be a neat Christmas treat for aviation lovers? FASF/Daedalians, Cite Top Leader of New 8th Fighter Class Colonel Steve Watson Shows the B-24 Liberator’s WWII Role ...
Deborah Sampson, for example, disguised herself as a man to enlist in the American Revolution. Other female war heroes have worked within the rules but with intense courage. In some cases, these badass women of war fought against officials in the United States government: one was a Confederate...
With the exception of the Second World War, every military conflict in which the United States has taken part has generated an anti-war movement. During the American Revolution, numerous Loyalists preferred British rule to a war for independence. New Englanders opposed the War of 1812; most Whi...
“The Popular Revolution” and thought the vote indicated support for the “superior race.” The editors also thought the election results would discourage General Grant from seeking a third presidential term, but he might just try anyway for the good of the country –“Caesarism” was one of ...
For were the impulses of conscience Wear, uniform, and irresistibly obeyed, man would need no other lawgiver; but that not being the case, he finds it necessary to surrender up a part of his property to furnish means for the protection of the rest; and this he is induced to do by ...
King, Clad in uniform: Women soldiers of the Civil War(1992), pp. 18, 20; and Loreta Janeta Velazquez, The Woman in Battle: The Civil War Narrative of Loreta Janeta Velazquez, Cuban Woman and Confederate Soldier 17. Massey, Bonnet brigades (The Impact of the Civil War) 18. Philip ...
” It also could have come from the buffalo robes that were not part of the official uniform but were procured by any soldier who could afford one, and shown in thisLibrary of Congressphotograph of soldiers of the 25th Infantry, at Ft. Keogh, Montana. Above quotations fromSmithsonian ...