The American red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) is one of three species of tree squirrel currently classified in the genus Tamiasciurus, known as the pine squirrels (the others are the Douglas squirrel, T. douglasii and Mearns's squirrel, T. mearnsi). American red squirrels are also re...
The American red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) is one of three species of tree squirrel currently classified in the genus Tamiasciurus, known as the pine squirrels (the others are the Douglas squirrel, T. douglasii and Mearns's squirrel, T. mearnsi). American red squirrels are also re...
北美红松鼠 American red squirrel 图集_广泛分布于北美洲在寒温带针叶林中,偶尔也出现在混合或落叶森林中。白天活跃,主要食物是白云杉种子_一起分享奇妙的动物世界
squirreln. 松鼠 v.[T] 储藏;贮存 americann. 1.美洲人 2.美国公民,美国人 3.(也作American English)美式英语 adj. 1.北美洲或南美洲的,(尤指)美国的 Americann. 1.美洲人,(尤指)美国人 2.美国英语 adj. 美洲的,(尤指)美国的 redn. 1.[U] 红色 2.[U] 红衣服 3.[C] 拥护社会主义和共产主...
A lighter, redder overall coat colour, along with the ear-tufts (in adults) and smaller size, distinguish the Eurasian red squirrel from the American eastern grey squirrel. WikiMatrix The best known genus of tree squirrels is Sciurus, which includes the Eastern gray squirrel of North America...
American red squirrel 添加到生词本 用户正在搜索 ball-park,ball-plant,ballplayer,ballpoint,ball-point,ballpoint pen,ballproof,ball-race,ballroom,ballroom dance, 相似单词 3G,401(K),a, 用户正在搜索 ballute,bally,ballyhack,ballyhoo,ballyrag,balm,balm of Gilead,balmacaan,Balmain,Balmer,...
Video about American red squirrel isolated on green screen. Video of animation, motion, zoology - 171946781
American red squirrel 生词本:添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 词组搭配 英语百科 中文百科 英语维基词典 英语例句库 用户正在搜索 absolutory,absolvable,absolve,absolvent,absonant,absorb,absorbability,absorbable,absorbance,absorbancy, 相似单词 3G,401(K),a, ...
Home range and comparative biomass of North American red squirrelMohr, C O
My thesis project investigates how spruce bark beetle (Dendroctonous rufipennis Kirby) outbreaks in southern Colorado's coniferous forests are causing behavioral changes in the American red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), and how this could affect red squirrel and neighboring avian populations. ...