American_Realism_美国现实主义文学 AmericanRealism:1865-1910 InAmericanliterature,theterm"realism"encompassestheperiodoftimefromtheCivilWartotheturnofthecenturyduringwhichWilliamDeanHowells,HenryJames,MarkTwain,andotherswrotefictiondevotedtoaccuraterepresentationandanexplorationofAmericanlivesinvariouscontexts.Inmostpeople...
1、American Realism: 1865-1910 In American literature, the term realism encompasses the period of time from the Civil War to the turn of the century during which William Dean Howells, Henry James, Mark Twain, and others wrote fiction devoted to accurate representation and an exploration of Ameri...
五、The Age of Realism美国现实主义文学 ·at the later part of the 19th century. ·simply fidelity toactualityin its representation in literature. ·based on theaccurateof human experiences. ·It insists onprecise description,authentic action and dialogue,moral honesty, anda democratic opennessin subj...
American_Realism_美国现实主义文学.ppt,American Realism: 1865-1910 In American literature, the term realism encompasses the period of time from the Civil War to the turn of the century during which William Dean Howells, Henry James, Mark Twain, and others
4 american-realism AmericanRealism(1865~1918)Contents HistoricalbackgroundDefinition,characteristics,principles,schoolsandrepresentativewriters ⅠHistoricalBackground 1)TheCivilWarwhichbrokeoutin1861taughtmenthatlifewasnotsogood,manwasnotandGodwasnot.Thewarmarkedachange,inthequalityofAmericanlife,adeterioration,infact...
现实主义文学realism美国文学Realism AmericanRealism:1865-1910 InAmericanliterature,theterm "realism"encompassestheperiodoftime fromtheCivilWartotheturnofthe centuryduringwhichWilliamDean Howells,HenryJames,MarkTwain,and otherswrotefictiondevotedtoaccurate
4.American Realism现实主义:In American literature, the Civil War brought the Romantic Period to an end. The Age of Realism came into existence. It came as a reaction against the lie of romanticism and sentimentalism. Realism turned from an emphasis on the strange toward a faithful rendering of...
King Arthur in Literature Lesson Plan Jalal al-Din Rumi | Poems, Books & Legacy American Realism Overview & Examples | What is American Realism? Realism in American Literature Lesson Plan Create an account to start this course today Try it risk-free for 30 days! Create an account Explore...
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the writer's strong sense of justice(正义)and care for the ordinary people as a typesetter and sailor; in terms of style,experts and readers generally agree that humour and satire(讽刺) are thecharacteristics of his writing.Mark Twain is the founder of American critical realism literature. Most...