AmericanRegionalism,Realism,andNaturalism1860-1920(ish)WhatisRealism?Afaithfulrepresentationofrealityinliterature,alsoknownas“verisimilitude.”Emphasisondevelopmentofbelievablecharacters.Writteninnaturalvernacular,ordialect.Prominentfrom1860-1890.RealistWriters MarkTwainWilliamDeanHowellsHenryJamesEdgarLeeMasters Whydid...
Realism and Naturalism in Nineteenth-Century American Literature. Rev. ed. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1984. Revision of essential 1966 work, offering a comprehensive formal theory of realism and naturalism, linked by adherence to an ethical idealism that informs, restructures, ...
In literature, naturalism extended the tradition of realism, aiming at an even more faithful, pseudoscientific representation of reality, presented without moral judgment. Characters in naturalistic literature typically illustrate the deterministic role of heredity (遗传特征) and environment on human life....
American_realism_naturalism AmericanRealism Introduction Generallyspeaking,AmericanrealismandnaturalismrefertotheAmericanliteraturebetweentheCivilWarandWorldWarI.InthewordsofliteraryhistorianRobertE.Spiller,“Regionalismandrealismtooktheplaceofimaginationandidealism.”AmericanLiterature AmericanRealism 2 ...
Another prominent writer in the naturalistic movement was Jack London, who wrote about survival and the struggle for existence in the natural world.In conclusion, while realism and naturalism both emerged during the same time period, the two literary movements remained distinct in their ...
American literature - Naturalism, Realism, Regionalism: Other American writers toward the close of the 19th century moved toward naturalism, a more advanced stage of realism. Hamlin Garland’s writings exemplified some aspects of this development when he
American Literature Realism and Naturalism (1850-1914) Realism, n. The art of depicting nature as it is seen by toads. The charm suffusing a landscape painted by a mole, or a story written by a measuring-worm. --Ambrose Bierce The Devil's Dictionary (1911) ...
文学特征:Confront reality and abandon fantasy形式:Local literature like Mark Twain;Naturalism, as an branch of realism, became an important literature ideological trend and creation method. Realism现实主义: 定义:Realism is an approach that attempts to describe life without idealization or romantic subjec...
The American novel, realism and naturalism (1860–1920realism, in times of national, political change in Europe and Americarealism, less a school and a method than was naturalismEmile Zola's reform politics, and the birth of naturalismrealistic characters, the middle-class, and naturalist, as ...
3.Hisstyle:over-elaborate,refinedandgenteel LocalColorism(localism)1.Definition LocalColorismasatrendbecamedominantinAmericanliteratureinthelate1860sandearly1870s.ItisavariationofAmericanliteraryrealism.It’sthedetailedrepresentationinprosefictionofthesetting,dialect,customs,dressandwaysofthinkingandfeeling...