ABTA is now accepting submissions for its 2025 awards, which will be announced in July 2025. Eligible works are printed books as well as other media, including instructional podcasts, video lessons, webinars and software. Authors or publishers wishing to enter new titles can get more information...
He edited a Native American author series at Harper & Row Publishers, producing two “influential anthologies”. He has published essays on Native American literature, and his poetry has been translated into many languages. The Poetry Foundation says that his “writing is deeply connected with the...
“ Ulysse de Jean Claude Gallotta” a study of the historic choreography by journalist Nathalie Yokel, part of the “Collection Chefs-d’oeuvre de la danse”, editor Philippe Verrièle, is available from publishers micadanses-Paris/Nouvelles Éditions Scala, Paris. Posted by Paul Tracy DANISON...
Chicago, Yearbook Publishers, 1984, pp 57-89 " No Author Given 7. Contraceptive use by teenagers (editorial). B Med J 1981; 283:628 " Issue with No Volume 8. Adams D: Chlamydia and pelvic inflammatory disease. Obstet Gynecol 1989;(3):353 " Newspaper Article 9. Barry D...
7/13/2014: Silversmithing, A Contemporary Guide to Making Brian Hill and Andrew Putland, Crowood Publishers, 2014 ISBN#: 9781847976154 Reviewed by: Jeffrey Herman, Founder & Executive Director Society of American SilversmithsWhat happens when two highly respected English silversmiths join to write a...
Taylor & Francis partners with researchers, scholarly societies, universities, and libraries worldwide to bring knowledge to life. As one of the world’s leading publishers of scholarly journals, books, eBooks and reference works, its content spans all areas of Humanities, Social Sciences, Behav...