You just have to watch 👀 But be warned: It’s INTENSE! ⚠️ 🙀" Momma Mia🐦⬛ "Definitely my favorite role for Christian Bale, as I hate him in just about everything else. But this movie is a twisted piece of genius. 9/10" Vito Lupedee "I felt absolutely awful at...
Stream 'American Taboo (1984)' and watch online. Discover streaming options, rental services, and purchase links for this movie on Moviefone. Watch at home and immerse yourself in this movie's story anytime.
Credits (Film): American Psycho, Legally Blonde, Election, Walk the Line, Cruel Intentions Dig Deeper Everything To Know About Reese Witherspoon's Kids Also ranks #1 on The Top 100 Teen Actors From The '90s 15 Must-See Reese Witherspoon Films And Where To Stream ThemSee all 1Legally ...
Peter Rosenberg
and remorse with films likeNocturnal Animalsor experiencing the chilling, yet comedic exploration of mental health inThe Voices. These good movies, among others, stand as shining examples of great films to watch afterAmerican Psycho, providing an immersive experience that will linger in your thoughts...
Based on the 1991 novel of the same name, director Mary Harron’s satirical exploration of the white-collar world of “murders and executions” is pitch black and red all over – with an iconic performance from Christian Bale as the titular AMERICAN PSYCHO (2000), who just has to return ...
The film American Psycho focuses on the wealthy and handsome banker Patrick Bateman. It’s 1987 and Patrick has everything he could ever want; He is successful, rich, and engaged. However, Bateman’s unsatisfied hunger for success, perfection, and material items also match up to his hunger ...
Watch: 'American Psycho' Inspired Commercial For Kanye West's 'Yeezus' ByJason McDonald June 18, 2013 12:24 pm Share You might feel that you should be shocked that the worlds ofKanye West, “Keeping up with the Kardashians” and “American Psycho” have all managed to crash into each ot...
AMERICAN PSYCHO by Mary Harron and Guinevere Turner Based on the novel by Bret Easton Ellis Fourth Draft November 1998 INT. PASTELS RESTAURANT- NIGHT An insanely expensive restaurant on the Upper East Side. The decor is a mixture of chi-chi and rustic, with swagged silk curtains, handwritten ...
Born in Baltimore County, Maryland, to a free African-American woman and a former slave, Banneker had little formal education and was largely self-taught. He is known for being part of a group led by Major Andrew Ellicott that surveyed the original borders of the D...