American Psycho: Directed by Mary Harron. With Christian Bale, Justin Theroux, Josh Lucas, Bill Sage. A wealthy New York City investment banking executive, Patrick Bateman, hides his alternate psychopathic ego from his co-workers and friends as he delves
American Psycho: Directed by Mary Harron. With Christian Bale, Justin Theroux, Josh Lucas, Bill Sage. A wealthy New York City investment banking executive, Patrick Bateman, hides his alternate psychopathic ego from his co-workers and friends as he delves
Still from a scene inAmerican Psycho(2000) in which Patrick Bateman's card (with "bone" coloring and "the lettering is something called Silian Rail") is compared with David van Patten's card ("eggshell" coloring with "Romalian type") Still fromAmerican Psycho(2000) showing Paul Allen's b...
It would be as if, having done away with his heroine 45 minutes into Psycho, Hitchcock failed to provide an explanation and a compensatory story to make up for her absence. The ambiguity in L’Avventura goes up a notch in Blow Up. Antonioni based Blow-Up, his first English-language ...
(1974) and the real-life serial killer Ed Gein. Patrick finds these references interesting and humorous, and he discusses them with his colleagues. Additionally, the name Patrick Bateman is a reference to Norman Bates inPsycho. These conspicuous references place the film within a larger tradition...
Psycho As inVertigo, Bernard Hermann’s score and Bass’s animation work together beautifully. This time the lines are vertical and horizontal, moving in and out of the frame with the same pulsing movement in the ear and the eye. There are several different versions of the print poster but...
The biggest mistakes you never noticed in American Psycho (2000). Add more and vote on your favourites!
That I'm an American psycho [Chorus] F Am It's so sad, we only seem to care E About our face and hair Am And what makes us look good F Your business card is better Am You have a bigger room E That could lead to your doom ...
I won't get caught 'cause no one cares, that I'm an american psycho that I'm an american psycho, that I'm an american psycho it's so sad, we only seem to care about our face and hair and what makes us look good your business card is better you have a bigger room that could...
According to the Miller/TraubeDictionary of the Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico,she is often depicted with a broom to represent her ability to cleanse; I thought a dainty dust rag more fitting for my goddess. I’m not going topsychoanalyze my own painting, why the amputated semi- aborte...