Paris Performance Calendar Virginie Roux-Cassé (re-)discovers the sainted woman [By Tracy Danison] November 29, 2024 Sainte Jeune Fille à la Licorne © Virginie Roux-Cassé Carnets pour l’exile: According to tradition, every exile needs to wander aimlessly from time to time, not so ...
Special thanks to Philadelphia luthier David Michie. His customers, Academy Of Music, Curtis, and Kimmel Center musicians, bring him an endless array of stringed instruments for refurbishment and repair. Cast-off violin pegs from these instruments soften our learning curve and now grace student viol...
Yeh Fantahun Yimam Nancy Yunker 10 February, 2009 Register Now for the Oncology Pharmacy Preparatory Review Course Mark your calendar for the increasingly popular Oncology Pharmacy Oncology Pharmacy Preparatory Review Course May 14–16, 2009 Baltimore, Maryland Hyatt Regency Baltimore Preparatory Review ...
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tracking policies that existed prior to the reform, certain Schools-within-Schools (SWSs) at CHS quickly gained reputations for academic rigor and attracted mostly academically strong students, particularly those Magnet academies with a competitive application process and strong college preparatory emphases...