Power and fuel sources Routine maintenance Smart home systems Special systems (radon mitigation systems, gas detection systems, etc.)Editor’s Note: While this article highlights certain exclusions, readers should review their contracts as the mentioned exclusions are not exhaustive, and additional exclus...
Because of the potential effects of California's "Public-Safety Power Shutoffs", the Western Propane Gas Association (WPGA) urges all residents to have an emergency plan in place. On behalf of AARP Alaska, Frank Abagnale will headline both a free, public event in Anchorage and a free, stat...
CONSERVATIVE OPINION WRITER / JOURNALIST / PHOTOGRAPHER: Harris work has appeared on The Blaze, Daily Caller, WND, The Epoch TImes, The Federalist, The Washington Times, Renew America, America's Civil War Magazine, American Thinker, and other publications/websites. This is a compilation of her ...
The second hook came while we were in the lobby getting our coats on when one of the Aquarian Associates staff (who we later found out was the president's wife) informed us that the woman who made the fuss over our son was a casting director for the Power Rangers TV show, and very ...
were responsible for the questions in the book. One was from the University of Chicago, one from UCLA and the third, I think, from the University of Pennsylvania. To this day I contend that I not only knew the answers to the questions but a...