17.Born in Amherst,Massachusetts,to a successful family,Elizabeth Dickinson was an American poet.She studied at Mount Holyoke Female Seminary before (61)returning(return) to her family's house in Amherst where she lived (62)a peaceful life.She kept in touch with her friends by writing letters...
Born in Amherst, Massachusetts, to a successful family, Elizabeth Dickinson was an American poet. She studied at Mount Holyoke Female Seminary before【1】___(return) to her family’s house in Amherst where she lived【2】___ peaceful life. She kept in touch with her friends by writing lett...
听力原文: Now, let me first give you a brief introduction to the American poet, Emily Dickinson. Emily Dickinson was America's best-known female poet and one of the foremost authors in American literature. Born in Amherst, Massachusetts, Dickinson was the middle child of a prominent lawyer ...
Emily Elizabeth Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830 in the quiet community of Amherst, Massachusetts, the second daughter of Edward and Emily Norcross Dickinson. Emily, Austin (her older brother) and her younger sister Lavinia were nurtured in a quiet, reserved family headed by their authorit...
American_Literature AmericanLiterature 美国文学(Americaliterature)表现为平民化,多元化,富于阳刚之气,热爱自由,追求以个人幸福为中心的美国梦。美国文学大致出现过3次繁荣:19世纪前期形成民族文学,第一和第二次世界大战后,美国文学两度繁荣,并产生世界影响,已有近10位作家获得诺贝尔文学奖。MajorPeriodsinthe...
《海华沙之歌》IntroductionTheportraitofHiawatha;ValuesandInfluenceinAmericanhistory;Flaws(indirectexperienceandimmitation)JohnGreenleafWhittier(1807—1892) 约翰.格林列夫.惠蒂埃Massachusettspoet,bornofQuakerstock,hadlittleformaleducation,influencedbyhisreligionandhisreading.Snow-Bound大雪封门(winteridyll)isconsideredhis...
11、er厄舍古屋的倒塌 Ligeia丽姬娅 The Masque of the Red Death红色死亡的化妆舞会 The Philosophy of Composition创作哲学 The Poetic Principle诗歌原理 Review of Hawthornes Twice-told Tales评霍桑的故事重述,Walt Whitman (1818-1892),Leaves of Grass established him as the most popular American poet of ...
Comments on her Emily Dickinson is known as “Amherst Sister”, “New England nun” and a courageous experimentalist. She died leaving 1775 poems in all. Her death is her beginning as a poet. Over a century passed, her poetry meets ignorance and misunderstanding and then praise and ...
Ligeia丽姬娅 The Masque of the Red Death红色死亡的化妆舞会 The Philosophy of Composition创作哲学 The Poetic Principle诗歌原理 Review of Hawthorne‘s Twice-told Tales评霍桑的《故事重述》 Walt Whitman (1818-1892) Leaves of Grass established him as the most popular American poet of the 19th century...
If it was not impossible to reject a word, like White, on the ground that some stray English poet or other had once used it, it was almost always possible to reject it on the ground that it was not admitted into the vocabulary of a college professor when he sat down to compose ...