OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING Siwalik Mammals in the American Museum of Natural HistoryColbert, Edwin H
Welcome to the APS Museum’s online collection database, made possible by a grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts. While this database is a comprehensive catalog of most of the objects at the APS Museum, it does not include all of the objects that are in the collection. Information in ...
their families will flourish. If women are free from violence, their families will flourish. If women have a chance to work and earn as full and equal partners in society, their families will flourish. And when families flourish, communities and nations do as well. That is why every woman,...
Also, late in the reign of Carlos, Campomanes became a correspondent of the American Philosophical Society. Periodicals promoting the sciences sprang up: One, the Espiritu de los mejores diarios literatos que se publican en Europa (Spirit of the Best Literary Publications Published in Europe), a...
This story is both poignant and philosophical. [picture book, ages 4 and up] More Japanese American Books for Kids These books are not #OwnVoices, but I highly recommend them. Seen and Unseen: What Dorothea Lange, Toyo Miyatake, and Ansel Adams’s Photographs Reveal About the Japanese ...
From their philosophical views on how our world came to be to their days-on-end labor in the fields to provide for their people, Puebloans were, or rather are, a very unique breed. 337 Words 2 Pages Decent Essays Read More Native American Culture Summary On Wednesday, April 4th, Dr. ...
The Second ‘Neutral’ is the USSR… “A few weeks ago, the Comintern was agitating for a world crusade against Hitler… Stalin has been transformed from an international philanthropist, whose pipe was an index of his philosophical benevolence, into a Metternichean power politician, his pipe-puff...
To be fair, not every RVer is built for self-directed-capitalism — but if you’ve got the gumption to live in a completely-contrary-to-how-traditional-society-says-you-should way, Imma bet there’s at least a drop or two of go-getter blood running through your veins. And lemme tell...
protection from foreign pressures became the overriding goals of U.S. foreign policy.38But despite the philosophical confidence present in the Monroe administration’s decree, the reality of limited military power kept the Monroe Doctrine as an aspirational assertion....
<<<This terrific poem brought back a vivid memory from my own elementary school years. In 4th grade (or thereabouts) we were taught to make candles by dipping our wicks (ok, there's a vulgar image for you) into a big vat of melted wax. We'd file into the school kitchen, dip, and...