military bases, particularly during the period since the Philippines gained its independence in 1946. The negotiations concerning the retention of the bases frequently have increased the tensions between the two countries as issues such as criminal jurisdiction continually are discussed but not resolved. ...
and contractual partnersbear no legal responsibility—civilly for any damages suffered by members, employers, or participants in any capacity or jurisdiction.ATIcurrently lends its name and curriculum toschools in the Philippines, China, Vietnam, and other international locationsfor TESOL certification an...
Central American country,Central American nation-anyoneofthecountriesoccupyingCentralAmerica;thesecountries(exceptforBelizeandCostaRica)arecharacterizedbylowpercapitaincomeandunstablegovernments North America- acontinent(thethirdlargest)inthewesternhemisphereconnectedtoSouthAmericabytheIsthmusofPanama ...
Andrew holds an MFA from the Iowa Playwrights Workshop, where he received an Iowa Arts Fellowship, as well as a Stanley Award to conduct research for a play about the period Langston Hughes spent living in Mexico, a Kenneth J. Cmiel Human Rights grant to teach playwriting in Mayan communit...
This essay examines competing narrations of the fiftieth anniversary of Hawai'i statehood by tracing two mutually constitutive but opposing projects in the post-World War II period鈥攖he racial project seeking the liberal inclusion of As... DI Saranillio - 《Journal of Asian American Studies》 ...
In 1889, research began on a new cartridge that would use smokeless powder. In line with recent developments in Europe, it would be a smaller caliber than the current round. Most single-shot breechloaders of the period were .45 caliber or larger. The newer cartridges were smaller, mostly ar...
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One of the more overt examples of American Orientalism from this period was the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition held in Chicago. The entire fair was, as architectural historian Zeynip Çelik relates, organized as an exercise in racial typology. Exhibited as homogeneous and placed at the ...
Argentina | Australia | Austria | Benelux | Brazil | Canada | China | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | India | Indonesia | Ireland | Israel | Italy | Japan | Korea | Mexico | New Zealand | Pakistan | Philippines | Poland | Russia | South Africa | Spain | Taiwan | Turkey | ...
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