TheAmerican Nurses Association is the only association that represents and serves as the professional home for all registered nurses in every specialty and practice setting. We believe nurses are the heartbeat of healthcare. It is our calling to champion nurses and the causes they care about by ...
doi:10.51256/WHC022431Nagtalon-Ramos, JamilleNoblejas, SamanthaWomen's Healthcare: A Clinical Journal for NPs
Together, we will continue to build a strong network that supports mentorship, leadership, and advocacy — creating opportunities for professional growth and making a lasting impact in the communities we serve. As we move forward, my vision is to make IANAM a home where every nurse finds ...
AHNCC advances holistic nursing and nurse coaching through certification. Holistic nurses and nurse coaches promote health, wellness, and wellbeing as they facilitate their client’s growth and healing. Both certifications offer nurses a way to distinguish themselves as experts in nursing practice, educ...
a variety of topics in clinical practice, and theory-based articles related to patient and professional education. Although the majority of nurse practitioners function in primary care, there is an increasing focus on the provision of care across all types of systems from acute to long-term care...
Additional facilities include an air-conditioned multi-purpose room that is used for the cafeteria, assemblies, concerts, and performances, a nurse's office, a maker-space area with 3D printers, drones, programming tools, and other learning gadgets, and a central library that contains over 20,00...
American-APN aims to help Nurse Practitioners achieve their full potential as an entrepreneur while protecting their clinical autonomy. OUR PROMISE "As a network of NPs for NPs, we promise to support you on your journey to clinical independence, financial success and personal satisfaction, every ...
In addition to active professional nurse licensure, all nurse practitioners must meet the current requirements established by the BOC for renewal. AANPCB will not be held responsible for loss of wages, employment, or certification if a certificant fails to renew in a timely manner prior to ...
The American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA) represents and supports the nearly 65,000 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthesiologists (CRNAs) in the U.S., helping them achieve the autonomy and appreciation they deserve. AANA targets CRNAs, CRNA students, administrators and legislators with ...
Code § 7451 to include PAs as a “covered occupation” in the Nurse Locality Pay System. 2018 Medicare Patient Access to Hospice Act of 2017. Congress passed into law a provision that allows PAs to manage and provide hospice care to Medicare patients. ...