From "Threat" to "Ability" --Having a Hold over Changing Thought of American Security Strategy 从“基于威胁”到“基于能力”--把握美国安全战略转变脉络的一个视角 2. The Trends of American Security Strategy in the New Century and the Impacts on China National Security 美国新世纪安全战略...
Interview: Walter Russell Mead discusses the history of American national security strategyJACKI LYDEN
Terminating the Interminable?: Rethinking American National Security Strategy 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 8 作者: S Ganguly 摘要: umit Ganguly is a Professor of Political Science at Hunter College and the Graduate School of the City University of New York. During the spring 1999 term, he ...
This article argues that in a Janus-faced Liberal International Order, American grand strategy faces an economy-security conundrum. Tensions between transnational economic networks and national security concerns require different administrations...
5) U.S. national security strategy 美国国家安全战略 1. Ever since the Cold-War ended during the 1990s, the international security environment has been in the process of fundamental evolution, which led to the adjustment of U. 国际安全形势的剧变决定了美国国家安全战略调整的必然性。
作者: SP Huntington 摘要: American military strategy Samuel P. Huntington (Policy papers in international affairs, no. 28) Institute of International Studies, University of California, c1986 关键词: National security 出版时间: c1986. ISBN: 0877255288 (pbk.) 被引量: 1 收藏...
The president claimed yesterday that the true danger to U.S. security is not climate change, but regulations
Sustainable Security: Rethinking American National Security Strategy One might suppose that a book entitled Sustainable Security is about environmental factors, such has been the normative use of that word in recent times. R... J Richards - 《Economic Affairs A Journal of the Liberal Political Econo...
Preemption was formalized in the National Security Strategy issued in September 2002. 所谓先发制人,美国的意思是,当它确定一个对美国具有敌意的专制国家已经获得或生产了大规模杀伤性武器,或者有可能拥有这种武器时,美国应该使用武力消除对美国安全的威胁,而不应该等到危险迫在眉睫或美国受到攻击时才采取行动 By ...