African American grandparents raising grandchildren: a national study using the Census 2000 American Community Survey. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this work was to determine the prevalence, sociodemographic characteristics, and service utilization patterns of African Americ... M Minkler,E Fuller-Thomson ...
Motivators to visit the National Zoological Gardens of South Africa Visitors have various motives for visiting a zoo. Information on these motives can be applied by zoo management to make informed decisions when developing a marketing strategy to ensure the success and future relevance of the zoo....
【题目】Americanfamiliesareaccustomedtosettlinginfarawayplaces,whichhasbeenanationalphenomenon. Decadesofdata, includingamorerecentGallupstudy,characterizestheUSasoneofthemostgeographicallymobilecountriesintheworld ."AboutoneinfourUSadults(24 percent) hasreportedmovingwithinthecountryinthepast fiveyears ." thereported...
family historyThis paper provides an overview of the conceptualization and methods used in the National Survey of American Life (NSAL). The objectives of the NSAL are to investigate the nature, severity, and impairment of mental disorders among national samples of the black and non-Hispanic ...
out-marriage was rare. Before World War Ⅱ, it amounted to less than seven percent of Jewish marriages, according to Mayer of CUNY. But in 1970, a National Jewish Population Survey discovered that in the previous five years, 30 percent of new Jewish marriages were to non-Jews. By 1990, ...
Washington, DC National Academies Press2003; 52. Grant BFStinson FSHasin DSDawson DAChou SPAnderson K Immigration and lifetime prevalence of DSM-IV psychiatric disorders among Mexican Americans and non-Hispanic Whites in the United States: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and...
Reproductive Health and Sexual Violence Among Urban American Indian and Alaska Native Young Women: Select Findings from the National Survey of Family Growt... Existing data on American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs) has indicated high rates of unintended pregnancy, high-risk sexual behavior, ...
, Handbook of Family Resilience (pp. 175–195). Springer New York. Muthén, L. K., & Muthén, B. O. (2017). Mplus: Statistical Analysis with Latent Variables: User’s Guide (Version 8) [Computer software] National Low Income Housing...
Paris, a senior lecturer in history at the University of Central Lancashire, attempts to show how cinema has both reinforced and helped shape popular thinking about aviation as the sine qua non of national technological achievement and a means of mass destruction. To make his point, he offers ...