Broadcasting to serve the public interest, must have a soul and a conscience, a burning desire to excel, as well as to sell; the urge to build the character, citizenship, and intellectual stature of people, as well as to expand the gross national product. ...By no means do I imply ...
The National Debt is One Thousand Times (1000x) greater than it was 100 years ago. All the goodies -- the TV, the microwave, the car -- were created using "false weights and measures," not gold and silver, as explicitly required by the Constitution, and the purchasing power for all ...
Debt Approved by National Leaders, Not Us! Saturday, October 27, 2012 print article audio message forward to a friend Debates Are Good - There Should be More of Them! Saturday, October 20, 2012 print article audio message forward to a friend The American People Are Waiting! Satu...
According toAdirondack Almanack, the John Brown of John Brown’s tract is not the John Brown with the “wild scheme.” The Almanack only mentions 210,000 acres and nothing about Gerrit Smith. TheNational Park Servicesays, “As a philanthropist he gave away forty acres of Adirondack land in ...
who helped bring President Richard Nixon down and became a national hero, to support the only desegregation legislation he ever supported, the Indian Civil Rights Act. She got her fire from her father. In 1957 and 1958, the Ku Klux Klan staged two cross burnings in the yards of Indians ...
In 2011, Senator Chambliss joined the bipartisan Gang of Six with other Senators to address the national debt. The new increasingly angry “my way of the highway” extreme segment of the Republican Party was not pleased. Of course, the growing Progressive segment of the Democrat Party was unh...
Notably, unlike many competitors, North Payments will work with businesses in high-risk industries, including CBD, debt collection, peptides, telemedicine and credit repair. Additionally, we like that the company offers next-day funding with cutoff times as late as 12 a.m. ET. You can also ...
If the President were reelected, we’d go to almost $20 trillion of national debt. This puts us on a road to Greece. I know what it takes to balance budgets. I’ve done it my entire life. So for instance, when he says, yours is a $5 trillion cut -- well, no, it’s not,...
plenty of time to think. New ideas.Hmmmmm Individual time: I decide when I want it to be 5am, Noon, 9pm, whatever. My clock is my own and computers figure out how to mesh my life with the world.New songs. New plans for new trips. Missouri farmland smells like childhood. Innocence...
Despite Trump’s pledge to reduce government spending during his first term, his tax cuts and his wish list of expenses pushed the national debt to a sharp new high. Then the pandemic made it worse. Republican budget hawks, quietly skeptical about all the faith others place in Trump’s econ...