Reiner's journey began in the late 1940s, when he performed in several Broadway musicals. His big break came in 1950 when he joined the cast of Your Show of Shows, a popular television variety show. This experience carved out his niche in comedy writing and led...
Though less productive in the 1930s, Hammerstein wrote musicals, songs, and films, sharing an Academy Award for his song with Jerome Kern, “The Last Time I Saw Paris,” which was included in the 1941 film Lady Be Good. Rodgers and Hart; Rodgers and Hammerstein By the early 1940s, Hart...
The 1920s began shortly after World War I when the United States and the allies defeated the Germans in 1918. The 1920’s became known as the “Roaring Twenties,” because of its changes in politics, economics, society, culture and foreign policy. Industries were making their products at an...
During the late 1940s, Copland became aware that Stravinsky and other fellow composers had begun to study Arnold Schoenberg's use of twelve-tone (serial) techniques. After he had been exposed to the works of French composer Pierre Boulez, he incorporated serial techniques into his Piano Quartet...
: I have long held a theory about musicals. When a show works perfectly, it's because all the individual parts complement each other and fit together. No single element overshadows any other. In a great musical, the orchestrations sound the way the costumes look. That's what madeOklahoma...
After performing at Harlem's famous Cotton Club, Harold and Fayard began appearing in short films and, eventually, feature-length musicals throughout the 1930s and 1940s--including the groundbreaking 1943 film "Stormy Weather." After the heyday of movie musicals, both brothers made a successful...
American Theatre History The Two Area’s of theatre where American really excel: Musicals and Film The first original theater work of note in America was Uncle Tom’s Cabin. (1882) The musical production that began musical theater was Oklahoma! 1944 ...
Anne then spent six years in little theaters, stock companies, touring musicals, and such until she got her break as "Schultzie", the secretary on the "Bob Cummings Show." Before Hollywood, Anne spent a summer at the Cain Park Theater and a year at the Erie Playhouse in Erie, Pa. ...
and M-G-M’s expensive musicals were not viewed favorably by its new production head Dore Schary, nor by the corporate offices at Loew’s in New York. The old lion Louis B. Mayer, still in charge of studio operations, supported musicals and the plannedAn American in Paris,but it took ...