【AMAs 2022】2022 American Music Awards AMAs全美音乐奖完整获奖名单出炉。恭喜 Taylor Swift 本届六提六中继续扩大自身保持获得最多AMAs奖杯数量的纪录;Beyoncé / BTS 各收获三项奖项;完整获奖名单一览:「Artist of The Year / 年度艺人」Taylor Swift「New Artist of The Year / 年度新人」Dove Cameron「Collabo...
Taylor Swift(泰勒·斯威夫特) - Blank Space (American Music Awards) 现场版 (幻视觉字幕组出品)
Taylor Swift, Halsey & Camila Cabello - Medley (Live on American Music Awards), 视频播放量 64、弹幕量 0、点赞数 1、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 欧美音乐现场live, 作者简介 好看的欧美音乐现场,相关视频:Adam Levine & James Valentine “Mem
nk opened the show with a rollerskating number before host Wayne Brady set the stage with comedy, music and dance. Congrats to all the winners, and the full list of winners can be found below. Above: Taylor Swift accepts the 2022 AMA for Artist of the Year THE "2022 AMERICAN MUSIC AWA...
1 Taylor Swift won three American Music Awards on Sunday night, including the top "favorite artist" honor-explaining her absence for being busy in the studio re-recording her entire Big Machine album.The favorite artist award came as a surprise, since Swift's name had not come up as a win...
Taylor Swift《Taylor Swift Performs At The 2019 American Music Awards (Live At The 2019 AMAs)》MV在线看!Taylor Swift 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
2022 American Music Awards 来自:Various Artists 2022年第50届全美音乐奖在北京时间11月21日早上举行,著名脱口秀演员Wayne Brady担任主持人。流行天后Taylor Swift成为最大赢家,她6提6中,拿下年度艺人、最受欢迎MV、最受欢迎流行专辑、最受欢迎流行女艺人、最受欢迎乡村女艺人、最受欢迎乡村专辑在内的6项大奖!截止...
《Taylor Swift - Live at the 2019 American Music Awards》MV在线看! 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!火力全开的泰勒在AMA全美音乐奖上引爆全场的精彩表演,也许只有霉霉才能把颁奖典礼变成个人演唱会了吧(大姑娘身材太美了)(视频来源:Yo
Taylor Swiftis the most nominated artist at the 2015 American Music Awards. The singer is up for six categories, including artist of the year.The WeekndandEd Sheeranare one nom behind with five each, while others likeSam Smith,Nicki MinajandMeghan Trainorscored four chances at a trophy. ...
近日American Music Awards42th 最终开奖,整个颁奖典礼由拉丁饶舌斗牛犬 Pitpull 担任嘉宾主持,各个奖项在一众美国一线大咖的瓜分下完美谢幕,被称作国民小天后的Taylor Swift获颁代表最高荣誉的迪克·克拉克杰出成就奖,筷子兄弟今年也有所收获,带着神曲《小苹果》斩获年度国际歌曲奖。