R.T. Downs, M. Hall-Wallace, The American mineralogist crystal structure database, Am. Mineral. 88 (2003) 247-250.Downs RT, Hall-Wallace M (2003) The American Mineralogist crystal structure database. Am Mineral 88:247-250Chemical Society, 51, 1010-1026. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja0...
the american mineralogist crystal structure database:美国矿物学家晶体结构数据库 下载积分: 1500 内容提示: American Mineralogist, Volume 88, pages 247–250, 20030003-004X/03/0001–247$05.00 247I NTRODUCTIONThe structure of a crystal represents a minimum energy con-figuration adopted by a collection ...
1007uniquemineralandchemicalspecies.Thedatarepresent structuresdeterminedatambientconditionsaswellasattem- peratureorpressure.Constructingthedatabaseisamulti-step processthatincludes:(1)examiningeachvolumeoftheAmeri- canMineralogisttoidentifyallpapersthatreportcrystalstruc- ...
The most straightforward application of this database is the ability to generate crystal structure drawings for practically any mineral. The implications of this are huge! For instance, with the database and the software, secondary education teachers now have access to an ...
作者: MAO Canada 摘要: This site presents an search interface to the American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database, a crystal structure database that includes every structure published in the American Mineralogist, The Canadian Mineralogist, and the European Journal of Mineralogy. 被引量: 28 收藏...
Canada. Mineral chemistry is used to establish magma storage conditions (P, T,fO2, H2Omelt) and to reconstruct the composition of cryptic residual liquids that equilibrated with the mineral phases and subsequently escaped the local mush system. Residual liquids in equilibrium with clinopyroxene (diopsi...
The goals of mineralogical studies may be quitediverse, ranging from the description and classification of a new or raremineral, to an analysis of crystal structure involving determination of its internal atomic arrangement, or to the laboratory or industrial synthesis of mineral species at high tempe...
The crystals were unstable in air but could be stabilized for X-ray diffraction analysis by coating the crystal surfaces with a thin layer of mineral oil. The gossypol triacetic acid complex (C30H30O8·3C2H4O2) forms an orthorhombic crystal system with P212121 (Z=4) symmetry. Unit cell ...
Data Availability. All original data is archived with the NOAA Paleoclimatology Database (https://www.ncdc. noaa.gov/paleo/study/21061). References 1. Bocquet-Appel, J.-P. When the world's population took off: the springboard of the Neolithic demographic transition. Science 333, 560–561 (...
In the second part of this paper, we introduce a complementary approach that uses parameterized Monte Carlo simulations to explore and quantify crystal dissolution kinetics. This tool has already yielded considerable success in delineating abiotic water-mineral interactions, and we demonstrate here how ...