AmericanMegatrends,Inc.retainstherighttoupdate,change,modifythispublicationatanytime,without notice. ForAdditionalInformation CallAmericanMegatrendsBIOSSalesDepartmentat1-foradditionalinformation. LimitationsofLiability InnoeventshallAmericanMegatrendsbeheldliableforanylospenses,ordamagesofanykind whatsoever,whetherdirect,...
A method for storing a data file associated with a source code file of a firmware program in an EFI environment is provided. The method involves converting the data file to an objec
BIOS using a low pin count (LPC) bus is a common means for communication. BIOS development is also platform dependent, and accordingly some server manufacturers embed the platform ID. The BIOS can send out the platform ID via LPC interface to the management controller, and the management ...
Certain aspects relate to monitoring and managing storage drives installed on a backplane and performing backplane controller firmware update through a universal serial bus (USB) interface. When the backplane controller is connected to a host computer via the USB interface, the backplane controller sends...