美国电影《American Made》(美国行动)作品类型:伪传记主要演员:Tom Cruise(饰演Barry Seal)故事概述:讲述身兼数职(CIA卧底、毒贩、军火贩)的传奇人物Barry Seal的光辉岁月上映时间:2017年9月29日在美国上映虚构剧情篇浓缩的故事时间轴1978年,Barry离开TWA,开始为CIA效力,侦查中美洲的战局。1980年,Barry被哥伦比亚毒枭相...
American Made: Directed by Doug Liman. With Tom Cruise, Domhnall Gleeson, Sarah Wright, Jesse Plemons. The story of Barry Seal, an American pilot who became a drug-runner for the CIA in the 1980s in a clandestine operation that would be exposed as the Ir
Synopsis:American Made is based on the outrageous (and real) exploits of Barry Seal, a hustler and pilot unexpectedly recruited by the CIA to run one of the biggest covert operations in U.S. history. Movie Review: If you had not known that the daredevil TWA pilot turned part-time CIA g...
Tom Cruise and director Doug Liman reunite for a movie about an American pilot who helped kick-start the drug wars for the CIA. Read on for ourAmerican Madereview! The career of Tom Cruise has spanned more than three decades at this point, and just when you think the eternally renewable ...
Captain America: Brave New World – Movie Review Reply TL;DR– It is a perfectly serviceable film saved by a strong rapport between the cast and perfectly fine action sequences, but it was aiming for a level it did not have the strength to reach. ...
Tom Cruise and director Doug Liman reteam for 'American Made,' a dark comedy-thriller about pilot Barry Seal, who worked for both the CIA and the Colombian cartel in the 1980s.
No real imagination went into making this movie. It was purely made to quickly cash in on the DVD success of "Band Camp". Of course many people will watch this just for the naked mile scene in which several naked female breasts are shown bouncing around. That's about the only watchable...
PHOTO: Universal Pictures Thus begins the crazy true storyAmerican Made, a rambunctious and rowdy piece of satirical biography that reunites Cruise with hisEdge of TomorrowdirectorDoug Liman, the movie a cheerfully chilly jaunt through the heart of darkness that proves to be one of the Fall seaso...
[SPOILER ALERT: This review contains spoilers.] Read More Report 3 BradySmith Sep 8, 2013 Do I even have to explain what's wrong with this movie? It's extremely boring. I'm not against art-house action movies. I enjoyed Drive, and loved Hanna, but can the American even be calle...
Movies 'Born Yesterday': THR's 1950 Review Few films are clearer, however, about the goals of their leading male characters. In Adam Herz’s script, a quartet of high school seniors in a medium-sized Michigan town are desperate to get laid. This is one final exam that, if flunked, ...