-M1A2T 是 SEPv3 的变体 […]The post 美国制造的 M1 艾布拉姆斯坦克正出现在中国台湾的门口,最早出现在 19FortyFive 上。 要点:作为 2019 年批准的 20 亿美元武器交易的一部分,台湾已收到首批美国制造的 M1A2T 艾布拉姆斯坦克(原始 M1 艾布拉姆斯坦克的变体)。此次交付包括 38 辆坦克,另外 4...
WARSAW, Poland — Romania plans to buy a battalion’s worth of Abrams tanks from the United States, with a request to approve the acquisition expected to be sent shortly to the Romanian parliament, according to Maj. Gen. Teodor Incicaș, the head of the armaments directorate a...
Reinventing the Foot Soldier; the American Military Wants to Bring a Vast Range of Battlefield Knowledge Down to the Grunts on the GroundByline: Adam Piore Iraqi soldiers had a name for America's fleet of M1 Abrams tanks--they...Piore, AdamNewsweek International...
Rainey:Yes. From the onset, I felt we needed capability briefs so that we all understood each other’s capabilities. The Marines had M1 Abrams tanks and knew what tanks could do but employed them differently from the Army. The Army fights tanks as companies of tanks as opposed to the Mari...