American_ Literature(美国文学)AmericanLiterature PeriodsofAm.Lit.1.BeginningofAmericanLiterature:➢1607-1776ColonialPeriod➢1765-1790TheRevolutionaryAge➢1775-1828TheEarlyNationalPeriod 2.Romanticism,Transcendentalism ➢1828-1865TheRomanticPeriod(Alsoknownas:TheAmericanRenaissance)➢TheAgeofTranscendentalism...
American--Literature(美国文学)PeriodsofAm.Lit.1.BeginningofAmericanLiterature:➢1607-1776ColonialPeriod➢1765-1790TheRevolutionaryAge➢1775-1828TheEarlyNationalPeriod 2.Romanticism,Transcendentalism ➢1828-1865TheRomanticPeriod(Alsoknownas:TheAmericanRenaissance)➢TheAgeofTranscendentalism1865- 1900 3....
American_Literature AmericanLiterature 美国文学(Americaliterature)表现为平民化,多元化,富于阳刚之气,热爱自由,追求以个人幸福为中心的美国梦。美国文学大致出现过3次繁荣:19世纪前期形成民族文学,第一和第二次世界大战后,美国文学两度繁荣,并产生世界影响,已有近10位作家获得诺贝尔文学奖。MajorPeriodsinthe...
The development of American literature can be divided into:I the Early American Literature;II the Age of American Romanticism and Transcendentalism;III the Age of Realism and Naturalism;IV Twentieth-century Literature---Modernism and Postmodernism. The following are the three main periods and their ch...
Literature has been created in what is today the United States for thousands of years. This history began with themany oral traditions of the Indigenous peoples of North America. Among the Native peoples of the Plains, the Southwest, and parts of present-day California,Coyotewas the central fig...
American_ Literature(美国文学).ppt,American Literature Periods of Am. Lit. Beginning of American Literature: 1607-1776 Colonial Period 1765-1790 The Revolutionary Age 1775-1828 The Early National Period 2. Romanticism, Transcendentalism 1828-1865 The Rom
Periods of American LiteraturePeriods of American Literature Marks: theRevolutionary War (1775-81), the Civil War (1861-65), World War I (1914-18) and World War II (1939-45). 1607-1775: theColonial Period. (1607: the first settlement atJamestown; 1775: the outbreak of the American ...
americanliterature文学emerson概要ralf AmericanLiterature (殖民地时期、浪漫主义时期) TwoPeriods ColonialAmerica 殖民地时期 TheRomanticPeriod 浪漫主义时期 ColonialAmerica Writers ThomasPaine托马斯·潘恩 PhilipFreneau菲利普·弗伦诺 JonathanEdwards BenjaminFranklin本杰明·富兰克林 ThomasPaine·1737-1809 Works TheCaseofthe...
4.two periods:1770s-1830s The Romanticism (Washington Irving, James Fennimore Cooper, William Cullen Bryant) 1830s-1860s The Transcendentalism (Ralph Emerson, David Thoreau) Representatives of the first period WashingtonIrving(1783-1859)The famed essayist, biographer, historian, writer and politician...
United States and its varied population, there are often several literary movements happening at the same time. However, this hasn't stopped literary scholars from making an attempt. Here are some of the most commonly agreed upon periods of American literature from the colonial period to the ...