(Located on Artillery Drive in Sumter, SC) POST 15 MISSION The American Legion Sumter Post 15, a nonprofit organization Chartered in 1919, strives to promote a better understanding of the principles of democracy and to inculcate among all people a higher appreciation of the benefits of American ...
History provides us with defining moments from which we judge where we are with where we have been. The Civil War provides the United States with one of its critical defining moments that continues to play a vital role in defining ourselves as a Nation. Fort Sumter is the place where it b...
" (December 20, 2010). "The Road from Secession to Sumter: November 23, 1860," New York Times (op-ed) December 28, 2010. "Why Lincoln Matters to American Presidents," Critical Issues of Our Time (published by the Centre for American Studies, University of Western Ontario), January 2011...
My Grandmother Harbison always had good food warming in the oven and usually there was a pot of fresh-made vegetable soup on the stove. In addition to that, there was always a fresh cake of cornbread in an iron skillet and more often than not a cake or dessert of some kind. She conti...