Directions to American Legion Memorial Park Get step-by-step walking or driving directionsto American Legion Memorial Park, 145 Alverson Blvd, Everett, WA. Avoid traffic with optimized routes. Get Directions Advertisement We Care About Your Privacy ...
Dr. Benjamin H. Teague joined Hampton’s Legion in 1863 when he was 17 years old. He participated in the war through Appomattox. He returned home ragged and emaciated at less 100 pounds. He worked as a dentist for 48 years in Aiken, South Carolina. He was very involved with the United...
Highsmith: cannon at the national park, Stonewall statue erected in 1938; Manassas National Battlefield Park brochure; Richmond celebration; Bartow monument (c1872), but according to Wikipedia, the white obelisk monument dedicated in September 1861 was stolen in 1862 (a smaller marker from 1936 st...
On the Pacific coast, Thomas’ work on the world-renowned jetty works at the mouth of the Columbia River was featured in Scientific American magazine. He also provided the War Department with surveys and estimates for harbor construction at Everett, Washington. Next week: Even bigger and better ...
He is a recording artist for the Grammy-nominated record label CAM Jazz, BACE Records, Hologram Label, Concerned Relatives and continues to release music at an astonishingly prolific rate. Currently Dion can be seen at some of the most renowned festivals, venues, studios and galleries with many...