American Legion Auxiliary Tar Heel Girls State has been developing leadership skills and confidence in rising high school seniors since 1940.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Cornhusker Girls State will be held June 1-7, 2025. What is Girls State? The American Legion Auxiliary developed a citizenship training program based on the formation of the American Legion’s Boys State program. This program offers training in the positive processes of self-governm...
The Mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to serve veterans, their families and their communities. The American Legion Auxiliary enriches the quality of life of those we serve and our members. Unit 214 meets the 3rd Monday of the month at 7:00 pm at the Post Home: ...
The mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, ...
MESA UNIT NO. 26 AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY, DEPARTMENT 公司代碼: 01140694 公司總監: 搜尋此公司的公司總監你知道這家公司的總監嗎? 加值稅代碼: 搜索此公司的加值稅代碼你知道這公司的加值稅代碼嗎? 公司地址: 顯示地圖 MESA, AZ 85210 新增或更新公司地址 ...
QUSF4EGMTP 办公地址: - 基本信息 企业注册号 800830438 企业名称 POST #3 AMERICAN LEGION/AUXILIARY 1984 SUMMER CONVENTION CORPORATION 企业状态 PERPETUAL 成立日期 - 企业类型 - 注册地 MICHIGAN(密歇根州) 管辖区域 - 代理人/机构名称 DONALD E. WALSH ...
American Legion Auxiliary Irving Selmer Unit 107, Inc.公司還未被評級。請第一個給它評分! 一般狀況: 经营中 公司名稱: American Legion Auxiliary Irving Selmer Unit 107, Inc. 公司代碼: 09640646 公司總監: 搜尋此公司的公司總監你知道這家公司的總監嗎?
602 024 524 成立日期: 1977-02-10 企查查编码: QUS8Q5VA27 办公地址: - 基本信息 企业注册号 602 024 524 企业名称 1977 WENATCHEE AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY CONVENTION CORPORATION 企业状态 Active 成立日期 1977-02-10 企业类型 WA FRATERNAL SOCIETY ...
an Legion Auxiliary Women urged to join American Legion AuxiliaryWomen urged to join American Legion AuxiliaryJONI AVERILL