In our conversation, Stern gets animated and excited talking about the rescue missions. Like the time they got anAmerican out of Russian captivity after eight days, early in the Ukraine invasion. Or the 117 stranded Americans they got out of Afghanistan in August 2021, after the much-criticized...
Tue August 31, 2021 Peter Bergen is CNN's national security analyst, a vice president at New America and a professor of practice at Arizona State University. Bergen has reported from Afghanistan since 1993. His new book is "The Rise and Fall of Osama bin Laden." The views expressed in th...
Display It In Front Of A Person Giving A Speech 1,003votes Surprising? 6 Hang It to the Left of Other Flags Everyone knows that being to the left of something is absolutely the worst, so why would you inflict that kind of torment on our beautiful American flag? Do you hate freedom or...
"My concern is that it is not a big deal for them to take care of the left behind troops in Afghanistan," Sayed told CBS News. "I cannot even go out of my home, I can do nothing." The U.S. withdrawal means that his job as an interpreter is no longer necessary, but going out...
In Afghanistan, the US and UK sought to combat insurgents, train security forces and conduct reconstruction within a country without a functioning national government. The UK unwisely offered to lead the expansion of the Karzai government’s control into Helmand province, assuming that it could be...
(in most countries the day precedes the month in numeric dates, but in the United States the month precedes the day; hence, it was 9-11 in the United States). On September 5 Binalshibh left Germany forPakistan. Once there he sent a messenger to Afghanistan to inform bin Laden about ...
Famous Pirate Flags: Beyond the Skull and Crossbones The 4 Most Infamous Pirates in History 2nd President: John Adams, The Washington of Negotiations John Quincy Adams: The 6th President Who Supported Native Americans
"President Obama today [Jan. 17, 2017] commuted most of Chelsea Manning’s remaining sentence for disclosing classified information about the impact of America’s wars in Afghanistan and Iraq on innocent civilians. This is an important development both for government transparency and for transgender...
The Bear Trap (Afghanistan’s Untold Story) The Camp of the Saints pdf The Corporate State –vs –the Rights of the Human Race The Dawn of the Genesis Race – Alternative Creation Theory The Gaza Bombshell The Global Drug Meta-Group—Peter Dale Scott THE HOLY QURAN (KORAN) THE INSANITY OF...
Its prominence at the RNC suggests that Republicans plan to hammer Biden's failure in Afghanistan on the campaign trail in the months ahead. One of the most striking portions of the speeches came at the end, when the Gold Star families claimed that Biden hadn’t once spoken their s...