英文缩写AKC 英文全称American Kennel Club 中文解释美国养狗爱好者俱乐部 热门英文缩写词 SFAS(美国财务会计准则(公告)) ASC(英国会计准则委员会) IFRIC(国际财务报告解释委员会) CIP(在建工程) AIN(美国注册会计师协会解释) ARB(会计研究公告) ESOP(欧洲空间组织) ...
AKC 英文全称American Kennel Club 中文解释美国养狗爱好者俱乐部 缩写分类机构组织,社科总论 ACD绝对心浊音 ACD急性冠心病 ACD《美国学院词典》 ACD美国牙医学会 ACD亚洲决算货币 ACD自动调用分配 ACD自动等深线数字转换器 ACG活性炭粒 ACG交流发电机 ACG美国胃肠病学会 ...
The article reports that the American Kennel Club (AKC) formed the AKC Canine Health and Welfare Advisory Panel composed of seven veterinarians and three AKC representatives. It states that the panel aims to address issues on responsible breeding of dogs. The panel will assist AKC through ...
AKC是"美国养犬俱乐部"(American Kennel Club)的简称,这个全美最大的犬业俱乐部有着上百年的历史。在美国,每年大约 … news.xinhuanet.com|基于120个网页 3. 美国狗会 美国狗会AKC (American Kennel Club) 依犬种的属性,分为八大犬组:Toy Group 玩具犬组 Sporting Group 枪猎犬组 Hound … ...
1:AKC的英文全称是 American Kennel Club--是美国犬舍俱乐部 2:FCI的英文全称是:The Federation Cynologique Internationale--世界畜犬联盟 这两种权威认证都很好,AKC更趋向于静态完美,而FCI更注重于动态和发展。(个人看法) http://68186208.qzone.qq.com (有AKC和FCI详细的内容规定)这里要告诉大家的,如果你是新手...
Stage 1: A Basic Study of Canines In order to begin to understand dogs, you should become familiar with the different types or breeds of dogs as recognized by the American Kennel Club. American Kennel Club The American Kennel Club (AKC) was established on September 17, 1884. It is a ...
Poodle.American Kennel Club Known for its adorable signature curly hair, the poodle is the fifth popular breed in 2023.AKCnotes that standard poodles are active, smart and affectionate. They also have a longer average lifespan between 10 and 18 years, AKC adds....
As of June 1, 2011, the American Kennel Club fully recognizes 173 breeds with 15 additional breeds granted partial status in the Miscellaneous class. Another 60 rare breeds can be registered in its Foundation Stock Service. The AKC divides dog breeds into seven groups, one class, and the Foun...
美国养犬人俱乐部(american kennel club)-akc中国区 ... - 宠物美容培训.pptx,名将犬业俱乐部 National General Kennel Club名将犬业俱乐部(NGKC)-中国首家运用“DNA基因检测技术”进行纯种犬注册名将犬业俱乐部(NGKC)创立于2005年,拥有国内首张政府颁发的俱乐部营业
the American Kennel Club /ði əˌmerɪkən ˈkenl klʌb/ /ði əˌmerɪkən ˈkenl klʌb/ (abbreviation the AKC) a US organization, established in 1884, that holds the official records relating to dog breeding in the US, proving that individual dogs are ...