American Journal of Optics and Photonicsmaintains an Editorial Team of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are experts in the field of study. Prof. Jian Xu Department of Engineering Science, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Unit...
OALib Journal期刊 ISSN: 2333-9721 费用:99美元 投递稿件 为什么选择我们?>> - 开源期刊 - 同行审议 - 快速出刊 - 终身存储 - 免费检索 - 免费推广 - 更多... - 搜索引擎 ISSN Print: 2330-8486 ISSN Online: 2330-8494 主页 ...
- International Society for Optics and Photonics 被引量: 0发表: 1983年 16-Mm and 8-Mm Motion Pictures Committee Report Due to increased audience sophistication, it is desirable to continually pursue better im-age quality in the motion picture process. This is especially tru... HJ Hood - 《...
成立于1987年的Energy & Fuels 已成为化学和化学工程学科与能源和燃料应用领域的交汇处的顶级期刊。 关于美国化学会(American Chemical Society) 美国化学会是世界上最大的科学学会,是由美国国会特许的非营利组织。该学会通过其多个数据库,经同行评审的期刊和科学会议,提供了与化学相关的信息和研究的访问。该学会不进...
同类著名期刊名称h-indexCiteScore Nature Photonics 266 58.30 Laser & Photonics Reviews 94 16.90 Progress in Optics 0 8.40 OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING 77 8.20 Advances In Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics 0 8.90 OPTICS LETTERS 244 7.20 OPTICS EXPRESS 240 6.70 JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE 104 5.50...
大类学科小类学科Top期刊综述期刊 物理与天体物理3区 OPTICS 光学3区 否否 该杂志上中国学者近期发表的论文 同领域相关期刊 同类著名期刊名称h-indexCiteScore Nature Photonics26658.30 Laser & Photonics Reviews9416.90 Progress in Optics08.40 OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING778.20 ...
In 2019,he joined Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics andPhysics through the CAS President’s International FellowshipInitiative (PIFI), and started to work in the Bimberg Chinese-German Green Photonics Research Center.Question: Please introduce your motherland to Chines...
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同类著名期刊名称h-indexCiteScore Nature Photonics 266 20.77 Laser & Photonics Reviews 94 9.79 Progress in Optics 0 4.90 OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING 77 4.64 Advances In Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics 0 3.22 OPTICS LETTERS 244 4.18 OPTICS EXPRESS 240 3.98 JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE 104 2.91...